It is only one of the two newborn isbjørneunger, which so far has survived. The first 30 days are critical.

There is a brand new member of the isbjørnefamilien in the Zoological Garden in Copenhagen, denmark. It writes the Copenhagen Zoo in a press release Monday.

on Friday afternoon caught a surveillance camera from the polar bear fødehule two births of the one hunisbjørn. One of the young did not survive. But the other ues and is showing signs of being healthy and well, sounds it.

the Zoologist Mikkel Stelvig welcomes the fact that it has managed to get even a polar bear cub.

– Isbjørnehunnen, which has recently been born, has been at the Zoo since 2005 and has over the years been the pair of two different males – so far no luck.

– We have also had her through several dyrlægeundersøgelser in an attempt to find the reason why she apparently couldn’t be pregnant, and therefore we are extra happy now, where it nevertheless has managed to get a young people, says Mikkel Stelvig in the press release.

the Last time, there was a isbjørnefødsel in the Copenhagen Zoo, was in december last year. Before it was not seen since January 1996.

Also Aalborg Zoo could in the last week to rejoice over the birth of three isbjørneunger. Here are two so far survived.

And even if the newborn young in the Copenhagen Zoo dier, and when the woman hunisbjørn exhibit the right behavior, then the next two to three weeks is still a critical phase, ” explains Mikkel Stelvig.

It is due to the isbjørneunger only weighs around 500 grams at birth. Therefore, there is a risk that the baby does not get sufficient food, or to the, for example, being squeezed by his mother in the small cave, says zoologen.

– We know that more than half of all isbjørneunger not survive the first 30 days after birth. Therefore, it is absolutely crucial that we ensure that the most quiet in and around the fødehulen the next piece of time, ” says Mikkel Stelvig.

According to the Copenhagen Zoo will be born between 10 to 12 surviving cubs per year in the european breeding programme.

Mikkel Stelvig estimate that the guests in the Zoo, if all goes well, will have the opportunity to see the new young in the spring.
