Actually they are going to keep up with the play. There was yet never gain on their fixed coupon.

Then, when a Danish woman recently went into her local Brugsen a place in Mariagerfjord Municipality in order to renew the coupon, she for several years had played with his daughter and son-in-law, she was the most voted to drop it.

“My mother actually said to the young man who stood in the kiosk, she would only have the ticket renewed, if there was a million on it. So I can promise that she looked like a ghost in the face, since the machine then little by bippede whole game, because that was a big win.”

How to tell the woman’s adult daughter to the Danish Game, after it went up for the family, that a blow had been millionaires.

Three million lovely Danish kroner got the mother, daughter and son-in-law for sharing.

“I must admit, that I cried with joy. I had a really bad day and was completely stressed out – and then suddenly you stand there as a millionaire at such a sad and gray Friday. It was quite wild. I still have not fully understood it,” says the daughter.

The three have split up the winnings between themselves, so the mother gets a million, while the daughter and son-in-law gets two million.

But the money must not be frittered away.

The sensible nordjyder already have a thought of how they will manage millionerne.

“It was actually pretty crazy. A few weeks after we had won, I just had to check and check something on my account. In the few minutes I was inside the bank, rolled the gain into,” she says, and adds:

“It will so just the eyes up a second time, when suddenly there are so many zeros in the account. A completely freaky experience. So I went in with the same and paid the balance in our housing. Just because I could. Therefore, it was a great feeling.”

Although they have talked about a trip to the Maldives, they expect to take a few smaller trips instead.

“But it is as if, one becomes more sensible when you actually have the money.”

“So for the price of a trip to Maldives one can almost get three trips to Bali. So will we actually preferred to travel three times in the course of the next three years, than to spend the money on a single luxury trip. Even though it would fit for a Lottomillionær,” says the daughter to the Danish Game.

nor do They have plans to sack a lot more money on christmas gifts.

“One can hardly cram more food down, and we have a daughter, who gets plenty spoiled in advance. So we stick to the usual budget on the christmas dinner and gifts. However, I can’t control what my mother does with her million. I could well imagine that there smoke a little extra under the tree.”