A majority of leaders in secondary and vocational education supports a total ban on smoke in school hours.

More than seven out of ten leaders from the colleges and vocational schools want so-called non-school hours.

It writes Politiken on Wednesday.

A majority of the leaders believe that it should be prohibited for students and employees to smoke both in and outside the land register.

It will say no to cigarettes, from meetings to the instruction, you take home again. No matter where you are.

It shows a telephone survey of 345 executives from the country’s secondary and vocational education, as the Danish Cancer society publish the Wednesday.

on Thursday morning to meet the Parliamentary sundhedsordførere with health minister Magnus Heunicke (S).

Here is precisely the “non-school” has become a key element in the final negotiations on the great tobakshandleplan to ensure a smoke-free generation of children and young people in 2030.

Both lederforeningen for vocational schools and erhvervsgymnasier and gymnasierektorerne in Danish high Schools want uniform rules with zero smoke for all on the cross of upper secondary education.

– We support 100 percent up on the non-school hours. If we get a national ban on smoking in school time and also away from the area, it becomes undeniably easier for us, says chairman of the Danish Colleges Birgitte Vedersø.

– It is a really, really important signal from the Christiansborg palace, where we all say to the young people, that you do not smoke while you are in school.

According to the Cancer society, it is now “just right” for politicians to introduce non-school hours in secondary education.

– The majority of school leaders are interested in introducing non-school hours, but some are afraid to do it on its own initiative, if it can put them in a bad competitive position compared to the other schools, says Niels Them Kjær, project manager for tobacco in the society, to Politiken.
