Immediately as Johnny Tretow Loof fearsome out, as he stood there on the stage with his huge muscles tense in front of the audience.

The broad back, the scattered arms and minimal panties showed a body covered in glistening oil, in which the muscles almost was on the way through the skin.

But even big, strong men like Johnny can be sensitive.

And on Sunday shed he a tear.

Johnny Tretow Loof from Herning, denmark, was at the weekend, world champion in bodybuilding for people over 55 years in the vægtkategorien +90 kilos. It writes the TV Midtvest.

“I’m a very sensitive person, so I was completely surprised and on the floor. I am so incredibly grateful and happy that it is successful,” says Johnny Tretow Loof to B. T.

the Road to the championship began long ago. Johnny Tretow Loof, who today are 55 years of age, began his strength training as a 19-year-old. In 1990 he won the Danish championship in bodybuilding, but then came the wife and kids into the picture, and the muscles languished. But when he got up in years, he resumed training.

“So, what happens is that the body remembers the old training. So when I started to work out again, getting my muscles back quickly,” says Johnny Tretow Loof.

to get a body that can win a world championship for the masters, one must eat and train correctly.

“I’m not training as heavily. I coach many repetitions and many programs, where I stress the muscles extremely much without straining bones and joints,” he says, and continues:

“But 80 percent of it, is what you put in your mouth. If you ask others, they say that I am on diet all the time. It, however, I am not, but I eat chicken, vegetables, beef, fish, and eggs. Also more than people my age normally do.”

Up to the competitions using Johnny Tretow Loof much time in front of the mirror. Here, the 55-year-old man and practice to tighten its muscles in the poses, where it looks attractively out.

“My force is my symmetry. It all fits together. And so has my back has always been extreme. You can see that when I stand among the other,” he says and adds with a smile in his voice:

“The back, I have today, not even the young take.”

When Johnny Tretow Loof is not in the gym, he works as a blacksmith. The big man is aware that people can interpret his enormous muscles and strong external as something scary.

“People have the image that I am big and strong and dælme can do it all,” he says.

He is experiencing, that people at first glance can judge him as a tough guy. But as soon as people talk with Johnny, change their perception, he says.

“I’m sensitive in the way that if it goes to me or my family well, so I am very moved,” he says.

Therefore, he could not hold himself back, when he on Sunday became the world champion, 36 years after he started training bodybuilding.

“I shed a tear. It is the big. I have dreamed to be there since I was a kid.”