Three manhole covers flew up in 3. floor height at Valby Langgade in Copenhagen on Wednesday afternoon. Fortunately no people came something to.

part of the citizens in the copenhagen district of Valby got a shock at noon Wednesday, as something reminiscent of a gas leak, got more covers to smoke in the air.

“We got some phone calls from people who had experienced that kloakdækslerne was smoked by. Three places they flew up in 3. – floor height, and shortly after, we could locate gaslugt.”

It tells vagtchef by the Copenhagen Police, Kristian Rohdin, and adds, to the crews on site are working hard to investigate the case.

Miraculously, no people came to, but vagtchefen tells that the asphalt on the affected places is hard included.

at the time Of writing most of the Valby Langgade blocked off.

The case of the stretch from the junction on Søndre Fasanvej, and crossed Pile Allé and Roskildevej, and road users in the area need to find other routes.

the Police shall arrange for shut-off, while the fire department and the gas company are working on the ground to find out what has happened.

“We have asked people to stay indoors, while we find out what is wrong,” says vagtchefen.

He currently has no overview of how long it will take before the road is opened again.
