the Ability to speak clearly and say what you believe, is a virtue in our society.

the Language witnesses in its own way about it with pithy phrases such as “to get svesken on the disk” to speak in a clear and “straight out of the bag”. In this way, you avoid the opposite; that is, “explain-me-ass” in it.

The past few days have shown how forlorent a how to explain to-me-ass, however, can take out, when especially people with great power knot on itself, own tongue, and all the logic in trying to make themselves in a better light than the situation immediately allows.

First, there was the justice minister Nick Haekkerup, who from the Parliamentary rostrum with a neo-classical sprogblomst got come to equate greater monitoring of the danes and the greater experienced freedom.

“Without security, no freedom,” he said and continued: “It is the truth, that is why we criminalise. It is, in fact, what we want to do. If it is true, so it logically follows that, by monitoring increases of freedom.”

Although Erasmus Montanus would have a hard time to follow around in the ministry of justice intricate cirkelslutninger: If all were fully monitored, would all simultaneously experience full and complete freedom, must be the logical consequence to be.

Say it now just as it is – here is a little help to a workable formulation:

“the Desire for more monitoring provides less freedom but maybe more security in exchange.”

In skandalesagen about possible fraud with tax dollars in the defense department Ejendomsstyrelse also showed defense department’s top civil servant, permanent secretary Thomas Ahrenkiel, great skills udi søforklaringernes base art.

the Reason that he previously not responded on the matter – despite warnings about the state of things – was of technical nature:

“It is a bit technical, but it is because the e-mail containing classified information, and therefore, I can for safety reasons not to read it on mobile devices, and I’m not in the house the day, and therefore I read not the contents. Subsequently, I’m not up on the mail and get it read, and it is obviously a mistake.”

Confronted by Ritzaus Bureau, journalist with, why he then did not respond after meetings back in september and October, when it was an item on the agenda, sounds:

“It is true, that on one of the last pages in the background material for the meeting is a mention of the fact that Rigsrevisionens investigation and report may contain serious criticism. But we simply not to the point of the meeting. So it will not be discussed.”

Say it now just as it is – also here a little help for a useful formulation:

“I’ve slept an hour in a very important case and has therefore not lived up to my position responsibilities. I will find out for yourself.”

Jonas Kuld Rathje chief Editor

Editor-in-chief of B. T. Graduated from the Journalisthøjskolen in 2001 and the Master in Editorial Management from the UNIVERSITY of southern denmark in 2008. The father of the world’s most beautiful two boys.