A majority of the leaders in the secondary and vocational education supports a ban on smoke in school hours.

the vocational institutes ‘ Elevorganisation not backing a national ban on smoking in secondary education.

It says a president Anton Bay Hansen, after that seven out of ten leaders from the colleges and vocational schools in a survey expressing a desire for non-school hours.

– We will not legislate in the area, primarily because a large proportion of our students are adult people.

– We are in no way interested in that our students smoking, or start smoking, when they go in our education. But we do not believe that a ban is the right way to go, says Anton Bay Hansen.

Politiken refers Wednesday a telephone survey of 345 executives from the country’s secondary and vocational education. This survey is being conducted by the Danish Cancer society.

A majority of the leaders believe that it should be prohibited for both students and employees to smoke both in and outside the school area.

But according to Anton, the Bay Hansen educational institutions must instead try to offer the other social gathering as an alternative to those who go out and smoke.

– In a class of 20, there are maybe 4 who smoke, and if you as a new student experience that the school did not really have a community, then go with the smokers, he says.

He adds, that it may tempt more people to start smoking in order to be a part of the group.

Therefore, as Anton Bay Hansen like that was done more out of, for example, to make some welcoming sofa or café spaces, indoors, where students can be together other than smoking.

at the same time, he believes that it can be difficult for educational institutions to verify the erhvervsskoleeleverne. A large part of the time students are in learning and are, therefore, not around the school.

– You get a real job, where you are out all day – for example, as a carpenter’s apprentice – and so are you in school for five to ten weeks, depending on the training, you go on, says Anton Bay Hansen.

– And what will be the consequence then, if you still smoking? Are you going to throw people out of their education, because they smoke?

on Thursday morning to meet the Parliamentary sundhedsordførere with health minister Magnus Heunicke (S).

Here they discuss the “non-school” as part of the negotiations on a tobakshandleplan to ensure a smoke-free generation of children and young people in 2030.
