The apartment in Herlev, denmark, which on Wednesday was searched by heavily armed police in terrorsagen, was inhabited by a father and two sons of afghan descent.

It tells Anas Khader, who for many years was the house is an creative family, where the eldest son – a man of 21 years – now, the aim is to try to make a homemade bomb, along with two co-conspirators.

“Overall seemed the brothers are well-integrated in Danish society, and they speak Danish,” says Anas Khader and adds, that the father is divorced from the mother of the afghan family.

Are you religious?

“They are more religious than you are in my family. But no more, than that one only saw them in a coat on the way to the mosque on Fridays. But it is not particularly abnormal for muslims to do it,” says Anas Khader, who vacated the apartment a year ago, but still comes in the apartment where his father lives.

However, there was a difference between the two brothers, says Anas Khader, who went on Lindehøjskolen in Herlev with brødreparret.

“The youngest was more Danish, while the oldest was more devout and suddenly got far imam-beard. I have also talked with a friend about it, who knows them both. We agreed that the eldest brother with the passage of time was more confined,” he says.

The new details about the family comes just a day after the police carried out a major coordinated counter-terrorist action, where multiple addresses in the country were searched and 21 people arrested.

the Background of the action is a suspicion that a number of people have been in the process of planning one or more terrorist attacks with homemade bombs and firearms.

One of the accused lives at the address in Herlev, which yesterday was raided by heavily armed police.

It is not the first time that the police is on a visit at the address, remember Anas Khader.

“the Police were also there in april of this year. And there were many cops,” he says.

back Then, the very same men who sat for grundlovsforhør in the Copenhagen city Court yesterday – arrested for arson and accused of having set fire to a bus. Both were released in October and has then apparently used the newfound freedom to try to make bombs.

In grundlovsforhøret Thursday, it emerged that the two men and a hijabklædt woman is charged with that would produce TATP bombs – also called ‘Satan’s mother’. A substance, which is known to be unstable and therefore too dangerous to experiment with.

It scares Anas Khader, to just under the apartment where his father lives, and where he has lived for many years, has been experimenting with bombs.

“It is an unpleasant thought, that it happened so close to one’s home. The nearest neighbors also have small children,” he says.

TATP or ‘Satan’s mother’ can do great harm. Both in the Paris bombings, terrorsagen from Glasvej, Vollsmose case and the terrorist bombings in London have had bombs with TATP as the focal point.

Seven police districts were involved in the nationwide action on Wednesday, which also involved PET. Out of the three, which is charged with making bombs, five charged with trying to obtain guns for an impending terrorist attack.