There was toasting, applause and high sentiment. The future so bright. And at one point broke Bernd Griese out in song.

“We are not like the other, we have something for ourselves,” he sang.

the Day was 1. september 2019, and the long-standing director of Harboes bryggeri was to entrust the management of the family business to his middle daughter, Karina Harboe Laursen.

She was thereby the sixth part of the family Harboe to stand in the forefront of the well-known beer company on south Zealand.

“This is some really great shoes, we step down in after you, father, but we will do our best to fill them out,” said Karina Harboe Laursen according to the addressed to his father on the day when Bernd Grieses three daughters took over responsibility for the company.

Less than four months later, the song subsided, skåltalerne forgotten and klapsalverne long since died out. Bernd Griese is again in the forefront of Harboe.

What exactly has happened between 1. september and 12. december, when the brewery in an announcement came out that director, and the chairman was out of the door with immediate effect, is not clear.

But the reason why they have been kicked in the family business, is announced. In the communication from the company on Thursday stood namely:

‘the Reason for this is that it has not been possible to find agreement on the implementation of the company’s forward-looking strategic direction.’

the Harboe Brewery had out of the blue put executive director Karina Harboe Laursen at the gate.

The same was the chairman of the board Søren Stampe and the commercial manager Kirsten Ægidius.

instead joined Bernd Griese and Søren Paint – Karina Harboe Laursens brother-in-law – as, respectively, chairman and executive director.

the Shock was total.

And familiedramaet was brushed out over the Danish media.

In the media Finance raged the professional investor and director of Fundamental Invest Michael Voss by calling the situation in Harboe for ‘unacceptable’ and concluded:

“Such a company does not belong on the stock exchange.”

Bernd Griese has been in power for 39 years in the Harboe Brewery. But it was in many ways a case, the German met Karina Harboe Laursens mother, Kirsten Harboe.

They met at a party in the south zealand. And after a trip together to Jamaica, it was clear that it had to be them.

In 1972, they moved to san francisco, where Kirsten Harboe’s family for generations had driven the brewery with her name. The same year they had their first child, Michael. In 1974 followed Karina after. And in 1979 came Pernille.

Long as it was foretold, that Pernille Harboe Griese would lead the company forward after his father. But refused she herself in an interview with the stock market in 2013.

“I have absolutely no plans on having up in the president’s office after my father. It is not that I have ambitions. I do not see myself as a director, and it is my father also clarified with,” she said.

instead, it was Karina Harboe Laursen run in position. And it gave a hope in the outside world that the family business would open itself up more after a number of years with questionable results.

But 12. december was the hope of a very early death, as the 77-year-old Bernd Griese again took a top position in the Harboe Brewery.

B. T. has unsuccessfully tried to get a comment from the Harboe Brewery.