Although it is more than a few years ago, that gloves, indisputable was a part of the outfit for a gala event, have Virum Gymnasium chosen to reinstate it.

When the students Friday night dances digestive tract to the annual celebration, they must be wearing a pair of gloves.

And if the students do not even have a pair of gloves that fit for the occasion and, lying, they can get handed a pair of disposable gloves in high school, writes TV 2 Lorry.

It is the fear of scabies, which have been the management at Virum Gymnasium to make demands on pupils ‘ attire.

the Requirement was announced in an internal letter to students and parents, writing the media, that shares parts of the letter:

” the Management have today been around in all the classes and inform about this (scabies, red.), and asked everyone to dance with the gloves to lanciers at the annual celebration in the evening in order to risikominimere any infection.’

the Requirement must be seen in light of the fact that the past year has been more fnatbølger over the country.

In the autumn, it was actually so bad that the pharmacies over the country ran out of behandlingstabletterne Stromectol.

At about the same time published a new report on the just scabies from Sundhedsdatastyrelsens Landspatientregister.

Herein he said that since 2016 has been a fourfold increase in the number of outpatient visits at hospitals, where scabies has been the cause. In 2016, the number of fnatrelaterede visit on the 520. In 2018 called century 2000.

Despite the increase believes a senior physician at the State Serums Institute Brian Kristensen, to Virum Gymnasiums introduction of handskekrav is very drastic.

“Gloves provides the no 100 percent security. And sometimes to do little more than to keep the hand,” he says to TV 2 Lorry.