A local secured against eavesdropping is soon in place so others can’t listen in on mobile phones at meetings.

the Risk of interception and espionage at meetings in The Foreign policy Board is great.

Why is there about to be decorated a room, which ensures that intruders can’t listen with via for example mobile phones or computers in meetings.

the Room is very soon ready for use, says Henrik Dam Kristensen (S), chairman of the Danish Parliament.

– It has unfortunately been necessary. Because when it comes to cyber crime, so one should not be naive.

– the Interception is an industry that is getting bigger and bigger, and that is why we need to protect the information we receive as mps, he says.

the Room is not reserved for The Foreign policy Board. It can also be taken in use, when, for instance, ministers must inform the folketingsudvalg on topics of a sensitive nature.

– You need to be sure that there will not be intercepted. So we have created a space where it can be done. And I can well imagine that there will be more and more use for the room, unfortunately, says Henrik Dam Kristensen.

mobile Phones and other electronic equipment have ago after the summer holidays has been banned, when members of The Foreign policy Board meets at Christiansborg palace in copenhagen.

the Ban is directly linked with the fear of espionage and the interception confirms the Parliament of the DR News.

Other should not be able to listen to Denmark’s security strategy, emphasizing The People, Martin Lidegaard, who is chairman of the Foreign affairs policy Board.

– It is a new practice, we have introduced, simply because our security officials assess that the risk of interception is too great.

– The things we discuss in the Foreign policy Board, acting on Denmark’s security and our foreign policy profile and strategy. And there are not others who should listen, says Martin Lidegaard.

the Government is holding ongoing meetings with The Foreign policy Board in order to inform on foreign policy matters and consult with the 17 members.

the Work of the tribunal is subject to confidentiality.

According to Martin Lidegaard makes sikkerhedsforanstaltningen not work, rather the contrary.

– It is a bit like a teacher. There is a little more concentration when people can’t sit and look down at their tablet or mobile.

– But of course it is a sad background that we are coming to the point where we have to safeguard ourselves in the way, he says.
