Prosecutor would trap the night shift with the logs from the locking system at the residential facility. Court acquits man of rape.

the Court in Glostrup bought not an autistic woman’s explanation that a 41-year-old night watchman at the woman’s residential facilities raped her repeatedly over the course of two years.

Judges and the jury thus acquitted the night shift for the rapes against the woman. The sentence later Monday.

He is known to be guilty of sexual intercourse with another of the botilbuddets women, but here, the court has not found it sufficiently proven, that the woman’s autism made her mentally retarded, which the prosecution believed.

He has therefore not taken advantage of the woman’s disability.

Therefore punishable nightwatch only after section 219, first paragraph. 3, as it is a criminal offence to have sexual intercourse with persons who are residents of a place where one is employed.

The 41-year-old collapsed when the presiding judge read out the skyldkendelsen. But he was also clearly concerned about the fact that he was found guilty of sexual intercourse with one woman.

He has denied any relationship since the first day.

As the prosecutor, Rasmus Kim Petersen goes on with his procedure on sentencing falls the 41-year-old suddenly of the chair and collapses on the floor.

the Family of the husband gets up and asks the president to call an ambulance. When the night shift after a few minutes are back to consciousness, he says, as for the first:

– I have not done anything.

the Hearing is re-started shortly before noon.

the Rasmus Kim Petersen went in the first place also after getting the man expelled from Denmark, but after skyldkendelsens result, he has waived the claim.

He believes that the night shift should be punished with between six to seven months in prison.

Today’s hearing came a little later in time than expected, as the defender Charlotte Møller Larsen could inform the president that one of the characters in nævningetinget had just been to a farewell reception with the two women’s bistandsadvokat.

But the presiding judge and two judges did not assess that it would lead to disqualification, and the matter proceeded accordingly.

During the trial, which in total lasted five days, was botilbuddets locking system a central part of the proof.

the Police have reviewed nattevagtens logs from the locking system and therefore has an overview of, when he has been in the two women’s room.

From august 2018 to december 2018 locked himself into the room to the one woman seven times. Every time he was there 5-15 minutes.

At the other woman, as he was accused of several rapes against, he has in the course of two years routinely locked into her. Several times he was in there for over 30 minutes.

But the night shift has even explained that the locking system can not be read on the way. When he left the room, recorded it not.

It happens only, when he again locks himself into, he explained at the first hearing. Therefore, as the supposedly out as if he had been in the room longer.
