Several candidates are already mentioned as possible successors to mr Uffe Elbæk as the political leader of the Alternative.

1. February pulls Uffe Elbæk as a political leader for the Alternative. He hopes even that that’s going to be a series of candidates who are standing against each other.

Uffe Elbæk is the founder of the Alternative, which at the last elections, which went considerably back.

– I could continue for eight years. But I shall not. I want to give it here on in good style and in good shape. And the moment is now, ” says Uffe Elbæk Monday at a quickly convened news conference in copenhagen.

– of course, There is uncertainty over what it is now, it should go in time. After all, we are no better than other people’s in the Alternative. So there will be guaranteed pointy elbows forward and competition in it.

– But I am convinced that the process creates a huge, democratic internal party in the Alternative forward 1. February.

He also said that he hopes that there will be a series of candidates. And it seems that his dream is coming true.

– It may well be, I do it. It can also be, I don’t do it. I need to find out what is prudent for me, and what is prudent for the party, says the party’s social and beskæftigelsesordfører Torsten Gejl to the DR on Monday.

the Rasmus Nordqvist, who has participated in the negotiations on both klimalov and budget for the party, has been urged to put up.

I have no comments to. It is about to say from the heart thank you to Uffe for the willingness and the courage he had to stand in the forefront and create the Alternative.

– I’m gonna sign out, when I have made a decision on one or the other, he says to Ritzau.

when Asked about the Nordqvist will be a good successor, ” says Uffe Elbæk at the press conference:

– no, No, no, no. Or yes, yes, yes. I know that you are going to interpret it here – from here and up to the sky. I will not comment on who is my favorite.

– If a party leader pointing to the crown prince or the crown princess, is it the same as dødskysset.

the Alternative, has launched a longer process towards 1. February in relation to the election of the new leader. Since it is currently only mps can make up, it will also involve amendments to the statutes.

16. January graduates have reported themselves.
