o’clock, 14 Tuesday, The Police established a visitationszone in Vollsmose.
Fyn’s Police establishes visitationszone in Vollsmose after a shooting Monday night.
The police said in a press release.
No one was hurt by the shooting.
– We are faced with a conflict between two groups, where we know personkredsene extremely well. That is why we continue, of course, the investigation, so we can find those responsible for the shooting, says efterforskningsleder Jesper Weimar Pedersen from Funen Police.
It was at 21.59, that the police received a notification about a shooting in Fyrreparken in Vollsmose.
– It is a very serious situation, when shot in the open street, where innocent citizens move, and therefore we have decided to introduce visitationszone in the area.
– Visitationszonen gives us a better opportunity to find the weapons and the people who use these weapons, elaborates on police commissioner Arne Grams.
Visitationszonen expires on 14. January. However, there is the possibility to extend this, if the police deems it necessary.