School hours must be smoke-free in public schools, according to the national tobakshandleplan.

A broad majority in the Danish Parliament reached an agreement on a tobakshandleplan.

S-the government has, together with The Radicals, SF, Enhedslisten, the Alternative, the liberals and The Conservatives signed the agreement, which aims to ensure a smoke-free generation by 2030.

the Agreement will be presented on Wednesday morning by health and ældreminister Magnus Heunicke (S) at a doorstep in the Health and Ældreministeriet.

New Civil, Liberal Alliance and the Danish people’s Party is not in the agreement.

In the blueprint is aftalepartierne among other things, agreed that there must be non-school hours at primary and secondary schools and to all the tobacco and e-cigarettes to be stored away in the stores.

Furthermore, we must introduce standardised packaging for all tobacco products and e-cigarettes.
