Cry in the streets of Algeria against the general Gaid Salah and the new president of the Government, civil society algerian last beyond the power of a roadmap for transition of The popular revolt algeria stranded

The mortal remains of Ahmed Gaid Salah, the powerful chief of algeria —a fighter of the war of independence against France in April, following the resignation of Abdelaziz Bouteflika, became de facto ruler of the country— were flown Wednesday to his grave in a tank while hundreds of thousands of people accompanied the procession in the streets of the capital.

The general Gaid Salah, who led the State’s response to the massive mobilizations of protest across the country since February, died Monday of a heart attack at age 79.

Gaid Salah was the target of criticism from protesters, who accused him of trying to keep the Army and the remnants of the old regime in power after having facilitated the eviction of Bouteflika.

But many citizens recognize him this Wednesday for a merit, a response contained by the security forces to the multitudinous manifestations of the Hirak, as it is known to the protest movement. “You did the right thing by ensuring the safety of the millions of people who manifest themselves… asking for a change. There was not one dead”, he explained on the street Abdelselam Selami, a worker in the sector of telecommunications of 52 years.

Gaid Salah promoted the elections to replace Bouteflika, a vote that many protesters considered a masquerade. Just four days after the inauguration of the new president, Abdelmayid Tebún, Gaid Salah died.

Chief of staff of the Army in algeria for 15 years, was born January 13, 1940 in Ain Yagout, in the province of Batna, place of origin of an important handful of military leaders, algerians. The Army algerian is a true real power in Algeria, a country essential to the economic stability and security in the western Mediterranean.

Since April, 2019, the date on which began the beheading of the so-called clan Bouteflika, also ran the influential serbs secrets algerian, the other pillar of a regime controlled by the various security forces since the independence from France in 1962.