Juan Guaidó facing the most delicate moment since a year ago took the reins of the National Assembly of Venezuela. His continuity at the helm of Parliament, which was the springboard for his pulse to Nicolás Maduro and which earned him recognition as the interim president of the country of more than 60 foreign Governments, which regard the legislature as the only legitimate institution of the State, is ruined by the umpteenth offensive of chavez. The increasing persecution throughout this year has intensified with the so-called Operation Scorpion, a move, orchestrated from the Government, to bribe members of parliament to change that not to give your support to Guaidó and lose control of Parliament on the 5th of January.

According to the reports of several leaders opponents to this journal, on the condition of anonymity, some officials in the Maduro administration are orchestrating the bribery of deputies, opponents, offering huge sums of money to vote against Guaidó that, according to the support it has had up to now, it should be re-elected in a vote expected around 5 January, the date on which he ended his first period as head of the Assembly. The maneuver consists, according to the sources consulted, in an offer of payment in foreign currency paid in two installments. The goal is to corrupt the deputies or desanimarlos to not follow in the charge.

The main opposition grouping Guaidó is now superior to that of Mature. The United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV, training that leads chavez) has 51 members, and representing the president of the Assembly, after several splits and defections, is in the 93 seats. The cuórum is achieved with 84 deputies (in total there are 167 seats) and the president and the bureau members of the Assembly are elected by the simple majority of the votes of the attendees.

But, according to the opposition, 27 deputies opponents are in exile and 29 others, prosecuted, without a note of his parliamentary immunity. Two of them, Juan Requesens and Gilber Expensive, they are prisoners. Caro was arrested on the weekend, after having been released from prison in July.

it is Not clear, for the moment, what will happen with the votes of these deputies. In an attempt to shield the re-election of Guaidó, the directive of the National Assembly amended the Regulation of Interior and Debates to make it possible for the remote voting of the deputies who are in exile. However, thereafter, the Supreme court of Justice, which is controlled by Maduro, issued a judgment that declares null and void the measure. Francisco Torrealba, spokesman for the PSUV, he argued: “In any Parliament in the world is achieved by a cuórum with deputies absent. You can not give validity to the vote of members who are in exile dorado, fugitives of justice”. Torrealba predicted that the 2020 will be “a Parliament imaginary.” The re-election of Guaidó may be in danger if some of these deputies don’t vote.

In parallel, Guaidó has faced in the last few weeks to a grueling internal crisis. The accusations of corruption made to some members of the Commission of the general Comptroller’s office (court of accounts) encouraged a squall in which to blend the recriminations, the demoralization of society and the distrust between parliamentarians. “Luis Parra, Luis Brito, Conrado Perez, among other deputies separated of the Commission of the general Comptroller’s office, have been meeting this week with political chavistas. The change of attitude that they have is very evident,” says a parliamentarian who asked not to be identified.

“Some parliamentarians we have come to denounce that have made them offers economic to change your vote, that’s a reality,” says the deputy Delsa Solórzano, a Meeting the Citizen, the leader, on which falls the responsibility of realizing the most that Guaidó need to get re-elected.

These offers are addressed to deputies members of the Parliament fenced off and without resources, in which the political representatives do not charge their salaries for years.

Goyo Noriega, deputy of the Popular Will, the party of Guaidó, founded by Leopoldo Lopez, was expelled from the party last Friday, accused of being a “traitor to the cause of freedom”. Noriega accuses now hotly corrupt Guaidó and Lopez.

the Movement for Democracy and Inclusion, founded by Nícmer Evans, gave a press conference to formalize the expulsion of Kelly Perfect, mp dissident chavismo, for receiving supposedly the offer of 25,000 euros in exchange for his vote against Guaidó. Perfect, according to sources of that education, he admitted that it was true.

Ismael León, the Will of the people, responsible directly to the vice president, Tareck El Aissami, and to David de Lima, a former political opponent, as the people who are behind the operation. There are members that fear that they come out with new names: “you have to stand and swallow thick,” says Manuela Bolívar. Legislators who wanted to keep their name in the reserve have pointed to Andrew Avellino, a former militant opposition, as another of the decision-making propositions.

To Guaidó holds an agreement carried out between the four main opposition parties —the Will of the people, First Justice, Democratic Action, and A New Time, the so-called G-4—, but also the strong support that you are paying some fraction minority. This pact has withstood the onslaughts and criticisms of Guaidó that menudean at this time.

The agreement the legislature reached by training, Popular Will, contemplates the assignment of the two vice-presidents of the Chamber to Angel Medina, of the First Justice, and to Carlos Berrizbeitia, a representative of the minority parties.

The sectors moderate dissidents close to Henri Falcon, belonging to the Concertación by the Change, with which the chavismo could find a zone of partial matches, have a presence legislative very low. The Fraction 16 of July, which is a group of deputies more radical front of the chavismo, has been thought to present Biaggio Pillieri as president of the Parliament, in a clear attempt to take away from Guaidó. Your strength within the chamber, however, is modest.