pope Francis is usually to take advantage of the Christmas day to shake consciences. Looking out to the balcony of St. Peter’s basilica and before the Urbi et orbi blessing, the most solemn of the teaching of the popes, he cried out against the “darkness” of the world. And made a tour of the places of the globe ravaged by war, conflict or economic crises.

The Pontiff was argentine, who has just turned 83 years of age, called hope “for the entire american continent,” where “diverse nations are passing through a period of social unrest and political”. In the south, Latin America is going through a period of rapid expansion, determined by popular discontent and mobilization of citizens. And in the north, in the united States is growing internal tension and disagreement in the process of impeachment of the president Donald Trump. Although Francis did not specify to which countries he was referring, yes it was stopped in the crisis of Venezuela, as it has done on other occasions, and prayed for the venezuelan people, “tested at length by political and social tensions” obtain “the relief it needs.” He also asked that God “bless the efforts of those who are lavish to promote justice and reconciliation, and which are disclosed to overcome the multiple crisis and the many forms of poverty that offend the dignity of every person”.


Life of two popes: the unusual relationship between Francis and Benedict XVI, The Pope appointed a spaniard to the front of the economy of the Vatican

The Pope first referred to the present Latin american policy last November, on the flight back from Japan and he spoke of a continent “in flames”. It also pointed to “weak Governments that have failed to bring order and peace in his inner being,” and supported the “call to dialogue, to peace, to resolve the problems.”

Francis also had a remembrance at Christmas to those who, because of persecution and other injustices, “should emigrate with the hope of a secure life”. And stressed that “injustice forces them to cross deserts and seas, transformed into cemeteries.” This year, more than a thousand people have died trying to cross the Mediterranean, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

a few days Ago, Francis placed in a prominent place in the Apostolic Palace, by the passing of the State leaders who visited him in the Vatican, a cross given to a rescue group with a vest that belonged to a migrant who died in the sea. He also warned that “blocking the ships we don’t solve the problem” and called for “serious efforts to empty the detention camps in Libya”. In his Christmas message returned to have an impact on the issue and recalled that “injustice” force migrants “suffer abuses untold bondages of all kinds and torture in detention camps inhumane.” And he added: “The injustice denies them places where they could have the hope of a decent life and makes them find walls of indifference”.

As it does on a recurring basis since he was elected Pope in 2013, Francis also recalled the suffering of the “beloved syrian people,” who “still don’t see the end of the hostilities that have torn apart the country”, ravaged by a war that has lasted almost nine years. At this time, the conflict has left a balance of over 370,000 dead and millions displaced, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. Francisco asked this Wednesday Christ to “stir the consciences of men of good will”. And that “will inspire governments and the international community to find solutions that ensure the safety and the peaceful coexistence of the peoples of the region”. The Pontiff has received in the structures of the Vatican, several syrian refugees, and has written two letters to the president of Syria, Bashar al-Assad, the latest last July, asking him to respect the international humanitarian law on the protection of civilians, to put an end to the suffering of the people and a return to stability.

In his Christmas message, Francis also has mentioned the situation in Lebanon, marked by a wave of protests that erupted two months ago to ask for the output block of the political elite and the formation of a technocratic Government. And prayed that the lebanese people be able to “exit the current crisis and to discover once again their vocation to be a message of freedom and harmonious coexistence for all.”

The Pontiff called for peace, security and prosperity for the Holy Land. And that the Lord “be comforted” for Iraq, “crossed by social tensions”, where popular protests to demand the reform of the political system, which began last October, have left 460 people dead and over 20,000 wounded. Francis also prayed for Yemen, plunged into a war from four years ago and “tested by a severe humanitarian crisis”, that is the worst in the world according to several United Nations agencies, which amount to 20 million the number of people in situation of food insecurity in the country.

Francis also recalled the “beloved Ukraine”, which “aspires to concrete solutions to achieve a lasting peace”. He prayed that “the Emmanuel be light for all of wounded humanity” and reminded the poor, the sick, the elderly and alone, migrants and the marginalized.

Message to South Sudan and the peoples of Africa

Francis sent Christmas morning, next to the primate of the anglican Church, Justin Welby, and the exmoderador of the Presbyterian Church of Scotland, John Chalmers, an unprecedented appeal to the political leaders of South Sudan to implement the Peace Agreements signed in 2018.

the rest of The african continent was also present in the Christmas message of the Pope, who reminded the people of Africa, “where they endure social and political situations that often force people to emigrate, depriving them of a home and a family.” Francisco asked for peace for the population living in the eastern regions of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, “tormented by persistent conflicts”. And comfort “to those who are persecuted because of their faith”, especially “missionaries and faithful were kidnapped, and for those who fall victims of attacks by extremist groups, especially in Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger and Nigeria.”