Only the PSOE in a hurry, a big hurry. The rest of the actors are essential to fruition with the inauguration to the presidency of the Government of the socialist Pedro Sanchez call for calm and not go full speed that this occurs at the beginning of 2020. From 7 January, after the feast of Kings, could be directed, according to the PNV, and also the leaders of CKD. The Government supported by the PSOE recognizes that neither can nor should try to mark the calendar to the legal profession of the State, given the complexity of the opinion that you have to develop.

This body will decide the moment in which it will make public, once rounded their thesis and their responses to the sentence about Oriol Junqueras of the Court of Justice of the European Union. Without that ruling, in puridad, CKD will not give the step to hold the investiture of Pedro Sanchez. Between today, Thursday, and day 2 of January, as a maximum, there is time for that Law to issue its judgment, on which there is an intense discussion legal between the technical, point to sources familiar with the work of this body within the Ministry of Justice.


The Government delayed the writing of the Law of the State in the face of pressure for CKD, The Government is confident that the writing of the Law serve as a gesture to CKD

In this case, it is not a cliché or a justification to point out that politics of the times are not the same as justice. In the case of the State attorney is not a judicial body but technical with a few professionals who, despite their dependence on the Government, assert their autonomy in the legal criteria, explain to government sources. The interpretation of CKD, with this judgment the european its leader, Oriol Junqueras, must be in freedom is not exactly as translated to government sources.

there is No doubt that the legal profession held last June, a position with respect to the freedom of Junqueras after being elected mep similar to that which now has been highlighted by the european court. Therefore, you do not have to renege. How complicated is to try to reflect the practical consequences of that judgment, the ERC wants to see written.

The Supreme Court should receive the text before the 2 of January. All the previous installments which the Government thought as feasible to have the document have been overtaken by what, now, you prefer to make it work to the profession and that they decide when they are in conditions to deliver it. Were not those the plans of the Executive functions with respect to the dates, given his haste to deal with the endowment, but nothing they can do to step up, recognize sources socialists.

Among the options that are open is to allow Junqueras out in freedom and pick up your certificate of mep, although it is not clear whether it would be before the Central Electoral Board in Madrid, as they have done the rest of the meps except Carles Puigdemont, and Toni Comín, former president and exconsejero of the Catalan government fled, who were also elected, or from the European Parliament in Brussels.

The pace of the legal profession will itself although the Government knows that, without his report, ERC will not provide your abstention that Sanchez is president because he considers that it is not possible to leave the situation of Junqueras in the margin of the negotiation. Each hour that passes away and the possibility of the formation of a Government can be carried out in the remainder of the week. The Camera, however, has been enabled by pre-trial days 28, 29 and 30 December as business days, with the possibility that these dates might be held on the debate of investiture.

“We’re concerned about the contents, not the dates,” says the spokesman of ERC, Marta Vilalta. Among these contents is the report of the legal profession, but said Vilalta that, in addition there are fringes, reports Efe. And thus refers to the table of negotiation between governments. “Why don’t you wait until January, starting on day 7?”, ask the spokesperson in the Congress of the PNV, Aitor Esteban. The need for the government in Madrid makes a passionate address peneuvista, but not so much as to train you in these holidays.