Craft at full speed loaded with hashish; discrete piers in which to hide small boats, and goods; transport to the full light of day and in front of the cameras with the brashness of one who feels unpunished. In the river Guadarranque, in the Campo de Gibraltar, are already so accustomed to the rudeness of the narco who even installed a barrier to prevent their presence. But this past Sunday, also known as the river of the drug, became the scene of a possible crime even worse: the finding of the corpse of a man naked and bound. The Guardia Civil investigates whether the event to try to find out if, after him, is hidden a possible adjustment of accounts.

While half of Spain was pending for the Christmas Lottery, the Emergency service 112 of Andalucia received the call from an individual who was in the vicinity of the river Guadarranque, located in the municipality of San Roque (Cádiz). The informant reported that he saw “a lump wrapped in blankets” in the vicinity of a bridge close to the sale The Toms and near the hamlet of Estación de San Roque, as explained by sources from the 112.

it Was the Civil Guard that, on board of a vessel type kayak, came to the shore the corpse. Once there, they found that there was a man who “was hand-tied, with bruises and naked”, as explained by police sources close to the case. Until past four in the afternoon of Sunday, there he decreed the lifting of the body. The deceased answered to the initials of A. D. P., as confirms the same source. It was known as the noodle and lay in the same Station of San Roque, according to advance the local newspaper Europa Sur.


The river of the drug Dismantled in Cadiz a gang of international drug trafficking

The Judicial Police of the Guardia Civil has taken charge of the investigation. Waiting for the results of the autopsy, the case has gone to the Court of St. Roque. The researchers are trying to elucidate the circumstances of the death of the man, and, if after the case is hidden a possible adjustment of accounts associated with another crime, such as drug trafficking in an area where the narco has historically introduced shipments of hashish from Morocco.

this is Not the first time that the appearance of a corpse in the province is related to a possible adjustment of accounts. Last September, a man observed how a van stopped in the road A-480, the height of the kilometer 5 near Chipiona, and threw the corpse of a man, and two more people malheridas the shoulder. The case culminated —for now— with the arrest of five men following a chase that ended in the streets of Seville.

in Addition, the forces and security bodies are investigating up to six murders, more shots, committed in the last three months on the Costa del Sol. None of them have been solved by now, but work with the hypothesis that is linked to adjustments of accounts between gangs of drug traffickers, in some cases, with foreign nationals involved. “There is a gang fight, as he predicted. And adjustments of accounts. Is the thing very warm,” said a civil guard in the area of the Field of Gibraltar.

The agent explains that the siege of the police that is being implemented in the south since the summer of 2018 has lead many bands to a desperate situation. Just can introduce large quantities of hashish with which they nurtured before your illicit market. It has made many organizations try to try your luck with other points of the coast at Huelva and even Almeria. But it has also led to some of the groups, nerve, stealing the drug between them, which is commonly referred to as a rollover.

“The Friday, early in the morning, and was attended by two of his early years to the new hospital of The Line. Claimed to have been in an accident with a bike, were traps to knocks, marks to be crippled… they Came half dead to the ramp of the emergency room. It is said that the shot of a car”, explains the same agent, who knows the modus operandi common of the gangs of the area. And adds: “Here take away The Chestnuts —the largest organization of The Line whose leaders are now detained— and come other to take a piece of beach”.

A river vedado

The river Guadarranque made famous in 2016 for being the river of the narcos del Campo de Gibraltar. Its good situation to the traffickers through the introduction of a gum or narcolanchas loaded with hashish until a few piers private, where the unloaded and transported by land. The caches, recorded by television cameras even, led the Interior Ministry to place a barrier antinarcos at the end of 2016. Since then, the succession of pivots yellow with bars perpendicular has been sabotaged on several occasions, although it has fulfilled its function.