The minister of Education of Italy, Lorenzo Fioramonti, has submitted his resignation to the prime minister, Giuseppe Conte, in protest at the lack of budget in their portfolio, according to has confirmed himself to Reuters. According to the Italian press, Fioramonti has delivered in the last hours, a letter of resignation to Conte, but will wait to spend Christmas to make his official resignation.

Questioned by Reuters, Fioramonti has confirmed that the 23 of December he “irrevocably” to Conte, and he has explained that it is because has not obtained the money which it considers necessary to improve the colleges and universities of the country. Fioramonti already expressed their discomfort with the overall budget for the year 2020, which was approved Monday in the u.s. Congress because it does include the financial aspirations of his Ministry.

The output of Fioramonti is a blow for the coalition Government between the Movement 5 Stars, which form part of the former minister, and the Democratic Party, which began last September following an agreement unexpected between the former rivals. Nothing more and more to form the Government, Fioramonti warned that he would resign if I did not get to 3,000 million euros for the Ministry of Education. “It should not surprise anyone that a minister keep his word,” he said on Wednesday to Reuters.

Fioramonti had proposed new taxes on airline tickets, plastics or sugary products to increase the collection of the Italian State, with the hope that part of that money directly to Education. In addition, as a strong supporter of the environment, announced that Italy would become the next year the first country to provide a compulsory subject on climate change and sustainable development in schools.

Another of his controversial proposals was that ENI, the giant Italian energy, to renounce to the exploitation of pétroleo to focus on renewable energies. “Sometimes I felt that I could receive more support from my own party for my proposals on environment,” he confessed. “The Movement 5 Stars was born ten years ago with a strong green base, but it seems that something has been lost along the way”, has regretted. Despite their criticisms, Fioramonti has assured that will continue to support the Government in Congress, where he took a seat.