The Central Electoral Board (JEC) has planned to study the next week, at its meeting of Friday, January 3, the writings presented to him by the PP and Citizens asking that it not be granted the act of mep to the president of ERC, Oriol Junqueras, who is in prison serving a sentence for sedition and malfeasance. At the meeting of the next day 3 will also come the case of the president of the Generalitat, Quim Torra, sentenced to disqualification by the high Court of Justice of Catalonia for disobeying the resolutions of the national electoral commission requiring him to maintain neutrality in the election periods and withdraw from the public buildings the propaganda of independence, as the ties yellow.

are Not red tape but requests of great depth. The PP and Citizens remain on the offensive, legal-judicial, nor the president, the Torra, or the leader of ERC have the least respite politician. So, aim the first to be disabled without waiting for the appeal before the Supreme court, and that Junqueras has no option out of the jail. All this we will study the JEC next Friday without that, predictably, Pedro Sanchez yet been invested as president of the Government.

In the best of cases, that same day, 3 may be held in the endowment session, but the final vote would not occur until day 5. If any of the two petitions to the national electoral commission —or both— were favourable to the claimants, the CKD would have very uphill work and collaborate in the endowment. Although these decisions would not be in reality the responsibility of the Government.

Both the PP and Citizens appeared before the provincial Electoral Board of Barcelona days ago the request to divert immediately to the Round of his charge. They argued that, although the disqualification of the president is not yet firm because this the has appealed to the Supreme Court, there is an article of the electoral law that allows you to withdraw the act of deputy to a member of parliament convicted of an offence against the administration (as is the offence of disobedience) although the sentence is not firm. And that, to lose the seat of mp, Torra would lose automatically the president of the Generalitat, because to be president you have to be a member of parliament. This argument was debated intensely in the Provincial Electoral Board of Barcelona, which finally dismissed it. Now you have to decide the Central Electoral Board. And, in any case, his decision would be appealed in the Supreme.

In the case of Junqueras, who presented a candidate to the european elections last may 26, and was elected, there has been a clash of approach between the Supreme Court and the Court of Justice of the European Union. The first banned the leader of ERC could come out of prison in June —when he was in custody— to take possession of the seat. With that criterion, the national electoral commission not issued your certificate of mep. The Luxembourg court, however, has concluded that Junqueras enjoyed immunity at that time by the mere fact of having been elected at the polls, and that should have been authorized to collect the minutes of mep. The Supreme Court must now decide if that means that you must let out to Junqueras, or because it is not perceptual because it is no longer in custody, but was sentenced to 13 years in prison for final judgment.

While the Supreme court decides that, the PP and Citizens have petitioned the national electoral commission communicated to the European Parliament the loss of the status of parliamentary Junqueras as a result of the judgment of the procés.And, therefore, the impossibility of issuing the act. The PP and Citizens have not the slightest doubt that the Round should be out of the institution that presides over and Junqueras can not happen to form part of the Parliament.