The Parliament of Catalonia has presented arguments before the Central Electoral Board (JEC) against the disqualification of the president of the Generalitat, Quim Torra, who have reclaimed PP, Citizens, and Vox. In a statement, the lawyer most of the Camera, Joan Ridao, ensures that if the JEC stand at the Round of the presidency without waiting for the determination of the appeal in the Supreme court for the conviction to not check out the links yellow of the Catalan government “could lead to an irreparable damage not only” a Torra “, but also to the electoral body as a whole.”


The Central Electoral Board will consider the January 3, if you disable to Torra The Board of Elections rejected the petition to disqualify already Quim Torra PP and Citizens re-enabled legal reforms to prevent Puigdemont and Torra are candidates

Torrent commissioned last Friday, the presentation of allegations, which have been recorded this Tuesday before the national electoral commission. The entity election is scheduled to decide this Friday about the resources against the decision of the Electoral Board of Barcelona, which rejected to disable already to Torra as they pretend to PP, Citizens, and Vox. In his writing, the lawyer greater than the Chamber argues that the national electoral commission is not the competent body to settle “matters affecting the status of parliamentarians as the elected”, as is the case of Torra, nor “the possible incompatibility that incurred a deputy”, as it is to the Parliament “to whom it corresponds to do so.”

The Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) condemned by disobedience to Torra to one and a half year ban from holding public office. The penalty is not executed until the judgment becomes final and the Round has already announced its intention to appeal to the Supreme Court. The electoral law, however, considered “ineligible” to those convicted of certain crimes —including disobedience— even when a judgment is not final. With that premise, the parties requested that his disqualification. After an intense legal debate, the Electoral Board of Barcelona concluded that “no precedent” in a case analogous. The report cited the cases of four politicians that were set aside by way of the electoral law, but it was mayors convicted for corruption, to jail sentences. In the case of Torra, committed an offense “less serious”, which is punishable by disbarment and the payment of a fine. The agency adheres to the principle of “proportionality” to a regulation that “restricts the rights of political representation” to those who, like Torra, still enjoy “the principle of the presumption of innocence”. The report recalls that Torra is deputy but, in addition, “president of the Government of an autonomous community” and notes that it should be “especially respectful and supportive” of political rights, including the right to be chosen as a representative of the citizens.