the president of the Generalitat, Quim Torra, and the members of Junts per Catalunya of the Executive Catalan do not feel obliged to attend to the table for dialogue over Catalonia agreed by Esquerra and the PSOE to facilitate the endowment of Pedro Sanchez. All in all, the vice-president, Pere Aragonès (CKD) argues that Torra (JxCat) to participate and, together, to defend in that forum the right to self-determination. This is the summary of the two positions advocated by both leaders at the meeting that have maintained this Thursday morning. The meeting sought to defuse the tension between both parties, but beyond the cordiality of the positions are still far apart. The Consell National republicans, in addition, will decide this afternoon if the training will abstain in the second ballot to the subject Sanchez the next day 7 of January to become president of the Government.

“it Is clear that the agreement ERC-PSOE does not have the approval of the Catalan Government nor assumes it as such. It is an agreement between parties”, explain from the environment of Torra. The leading Catalan believe that you can not negotiate a forum of this significance without your participation and argues that the conditions for these approaches are very clear: “Exercise of self-determination, end of repression, and amnesty”. The Office of the president does not confirm your attendance, if the dialogue table, backs to walking already, although it specifies that “if ever a meeting is held, the Government will agree on the content, not a party unilaterally”.

last Monday, the spokesman of ERC, Marta Vilalta presented the agreement and said it would be “a table of country”, not party, in which “the independence had a chance.” According to voices of that party, Aragonès has transmitted to Torra’s invitation to go together to the eventual meeting with the central Government and to defend together the right to decide and citizen consultation that validates the final agreement. The president does not see here a window of opportunity. “Sit and talk” [“sit and talk”] is an expression in favor of the right to self-determination. The negotiations have to allow for a clear vote on independence”, they explain from the environment of Torra.


The dome of CKD given by made the ratification of the pact with the PSOE An endowment express and public holidays for the fear of the pressures on CKD The dome of CKD shields the covenant with Sanchez against the pressure of the sectors most hard

all in all, Aragonès has reminded Torra that this plan resembles the one that had already been approved last October 22, in the agreement of Government on rejection of the judgment of the trial by the procés. There was specified the commitment of the Executive Catalan with “the political and democratic solution to the conflict between Catalonia and the institutions of the State is Spanish” and also urged Sanchez to start a dialogue “without conditions”. The meeting has lasted a little over an hour.

Junts per Catalunya said on Tuesday the possibility of a crisis of Government. Today the spokesman of JxCat in the Congress, Laura Borràs, has indicated that his training, as part of the majority in the Government, you must know the terms of the agreement of CKD, with the PSOE on the negotiating table between the Government and the Generalitat before deciding whether to participate in the same.

In an interview in RNE, Borràs has raised the possibility of not to participate in this table, as has been transcended, will end in a citizens ‘ consultation on the conclusions of the dialogue. “When you transcend the details of the agreement of the ERC and socialist party (PSOE) you will see what table they are talking about and see if Junts participates or not,” he asserted.

In this way, has an impact on that, given that that “agreement between parties” to enable the investiture of Pedro Sánchez as president of the Government affects the Government of the Generalitat, is “necessary” that the majority part of that Executive knows about the terms in which it has been set. Only thus, he continued, you shall know them “if they have banned items, if is a solution to cosmetic or if it deals with the political conflict”. In any case, Borràs has reminded us that the meetings held by her training with the PSOE is not derived from a willingness on the part of the socialists to hold a referendum in Catalonia or in that table among governments to speak of self-determination.

The CUP believes that the agreement will contribute to “the systematic contravention of rights”

The CUP-PR has reaffirmed on Thursday its ‘no’ to the president of the Government on functions, Pedro Sanchez, and has warned that the agreement between the PSOE and ERC on its endowment “will help to provide air to the repression, to strengthen the stems recentralizadora of the State and to the systematic contravention of rights”, impeding progress in the national liberation, social and gender.

Considers that the agreement of the PSOE and ERC is “far from resolving the political conflict of the State with Catalonia, as it does not put the right of self-determination, the amnesty for the people represaliadas and social rights” as the main axis, and reaffirms that the amnesty, the self-determination and the guarantee of rights only comes with civil disobedience. “To facilitate the governance of the State will not provide solutions or to slow down the repression, or for the exercise of self-determination, nor in the field of social policy.”