Three young american sisters reported Tuesday to have been raped in Murcia for three men who they had known during the celebration of the new year’s Eve. The National Police has arrested on Thursday after 24 hours of searching, in which, in addition to the data provided by the women, the researchers have reviewed security cameras and have interrogated witnesses who had come to the bar of the city where the alleged victims, and perpetrators met in the New Year.


The Supreme court concludes that The Herd acted “with full knowledge” that the victim had not consented to ‘Only yes is yes’ and other issues, and ditch the Supreme on The Pack In English: Three sisters from the US report New Year’s Eve sexual assaults in Murcia

The women, of 18, 20 and 23 years, agreed with the men in a pub, as put forward The View of Murcia. One of them went first with one of them to the house of this. The other two girls stayed at the bar until they left with the two men remaining, in this case, the housing in which is housed the women, located in the plaza Candelaria, in the neighborhood of Santa Eulalia de Murcia, with the idea of continuing the party. Both in one case as in another, the women reported later to have been raped by men, which according to sources from the Government Delegation in Murcia are of afghan origin.

After reporting the facts, the women were treated and subjected to a forensic examination in the Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca of Murcia. According to The Opinion of Murcia, two of the women were raped vaginally and their attackers did not use condoms, so that DNA evidence can serve to support the story of the women. The third woman, according to the same newspaper, was not raped vaginally, but yes, sexually assaulted and beaten.

The case went to the Care Unit to the Family, and the Woman from the police Station of the District of San Andres. Following the directions of the women, and after reviewing recordings from security cameras of the area where you reside these and to cross-examine witnesses who saw them in the local nightclub, identified the suspects and located together in a housing. The men offered no resistance and, according to sources close to the investigation, seemed surprised to see the police.

After being arrested, the men, who are between 20 and 25 years, were driven to the dungeons of the police station. The decision statement has been postponed to this Friday. The three were responsible for the alleged crimes of sexual assault, threats and injuries.

Back to Ohio

One of the three sisters, the natural Ohio, has completed university studies in Murcia for a semester and was scheduled to return yesterday to the united STATES, while the other two had traveled on vacation to the city to visit her and thought to come back with her. As reported by RTVE, citing sources close to the investigation, women were expected to keep their plans back and leave the track in the hands of their legal representatives. In addition to offer help to the victims, the consular section of the Embassy of the united States are maintained in contact with the Spanish police, according to a spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The police are investigating a beating and possible sexual assault on a young woman in Almería

EVA SAIZ, Seville

A young man of the age of majority remains in the ICU of the hospital de Torrecárdenas in Almería, after receiving a brutal beating in the early hours of the morning of the day of the New Year on a portal of the district of Oliveros from the capital of almeria. The National Police, in charge of the case, keeps open all hypotheses, including that of sexual assault, and is hoping to be able to speak with the victim to narrow down the searches, have confirmed to this newspaper sources of the research.

A man told the Emergency services on the 112 at around 8.45 January 1, warning of an “attempted robbery”. When officers arrived on the scene they found a woman in a state of seminconsciencia and with signs of having suffered a violent assault. The girl, about 20 years old, was taken to hospital, where he stayed for 24 hours in observation. This morning has been moved to the ICU, report to hospital sources.

The police has not yet had occasion to take a statement to the attacked, so that the researchers ignored “if it is a case of gender-based violence, sexual assault, even if it was moored,” explained the sources consulted, which also are unaware of the number of perpetrators or the identity of the victim. The man that warned of the presence of the girl in the portal, ensuring that it was a robbery, nor has it been able to be located since only he left his phone and has not been able to get in touch with him over the course of this Thursday.

The agents are reviewing the security cameras in the area to try to shed light to what happened to be able to speak with the victim. Cadena SER Almeria has been reported that the girl had “multiple bruises on the face, bruises all over the body, including marks on the breasts and absence of some teeth”.