New Canary, Compromís, Teruel Exists and the BNG, which provide four deputies essential to prosper the investiture of Pedro Sánchez as president of the Government, have committed this Friday, his affirmative vote and have expressed their full compliance with the pact signed on Thursday between the socialists and CKD. The four formations underpin the endowment of Sanchez with concrete measures as agreed upon by Teruel Exists with the PSOE for the Government to grind to a halt the closure of the ticket office selling train tickets in 142 stations with little influx of travelers from all over Spain.

For each seat, and added of the minority, the PSOE has had to commit themselves to agreements of up to 13 pages of provisions and agreements varied, with an accent of regionalism. The nationalistic gallegos of the BNG have been the last to ensure their vote: the yes of your mp implies a covenant of nine pages that he says will drive “the reforms needed to adapt the structure of the State to the recognition of the national feelings of belonging” and points out that, taking into account the status of Galicia, Euskadi and Catalonia as historical nationalities, “any modification of the structure of the State ensure to Galicia the same status as the other two.” The covenant also sets out that schedule in this legislature the transfer of all of the competencies outstanding contained in the Statute of Autonomy of Galicia, as well as those that have been the subject of consensus in the Parliament of galicia.


Revilla will vote against Sanchez, but the support of Teruel Exists, and New Canary underpins the endowment, The PSOE warns Revilla that will break the covenant in Cantabria if you vote no to Sanchez, The BNG discards the vote against Sanchez and negotiated with the PSOE yes

The grouping of voters Teruel Exists has agreed with the socialists some measures to remedy depopulation in the interior Spain, and other specific to the province. The agreement provides for a covenant of the State for the resettlement and re-balancing territorial and a specific ministry on the issue. Also it will drive several highways and will be rolled out broadband in all the industrial estates of the province in two years. The training that complaints about the “isolation” of Teruel has achieved the PSOE in the development of several sections of the motorway A – 68, A-40, A-25 and the momentum of the Cantabrian corridor-Mediterranean in the section Zaragoza-Teruel-Sagunto.

One of these routes, the highway Cuenca-Teruel, has received an Environmental Impact Statement, Negative, (DIA) in 2008, signed by the current minister of Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera, as reported by ElConfidencial. The covenant with Teruel Exists establishes, however, that the Government of Pedro Sanchez “will encourage strongly the implementation of this corridor road of high capacity, in a manner coordinated with the Ministry for the Ecological Transition”. Now, the agreement specifies that you will find “a viable solution, functional, technical, and environmentally for the development of this highway”.

Also, the turolenses have achieved that, to address the demographic challenge, encourage “deconcentration territorial State, by moving all or part of the headquarters of various institutions and agencies in different cities.”

The deputy Teruel Exists, Thomas Guitarte, has announced his ” yes ” to the confirmation of Sanchez in the Congress without raising any issues to the agreement between the socialists and CKD. “It is a pact between a third party, not with us. The condition that we put is that all negotiations with third parties must be within the Constitution. We understand that it is true,” said Guitarte after signing the agreement. The deputy of teruel, has recalled that “the PSOE is a party Spanish historic” and, therefore, does not believe “that go to the question now in the Constitution.” “We understand that the reference in the agreement to the legal framework of democracy is enough. There is No other that the Constitution” has abounded Guitarte.

In similar terms on the agreement with the republicans that has soliviantado to the right has been pronounced New Canary. The nationalist formation canaria has agreed with the PSOE to develop the Statute of the Canary islands approved in November of 2018, commitment to maintain the budget programs stipulated in 2017 and 2018 and that the Government defended in the EU the singularities canary islands. The party president, Ramón Rodríguez, the agreement with the PSOE with CKD not “squeaky”: “Is to bring to the field of politics-a conflict that is political”. “We are not broken no idea or no principle”.

Compromís also doubt the covenant with CKD. “The problem with Catalan is a problem that without dialogue, we have seen how far we have come. With courts and without dialogue, the problems are not only not fixed, but made worse”, has defended deputy Joan Baldoví. Compromís has agreed with the socialists a new system of regional finances, the Government’s commitment to take on “gradually” is the contribution of 50% to the financing of the system of dependence, a solution to the debt of the Consortium Valencia 2007, by an additional provision in the Budgets, as well as compliance with the clause of investment territorialised of the Statute of Autonomy of valencia.

With these three ayes, Sanchez has committed 167 seats (120 of the PSOE, 35 of United we Can, 6 the PNV, 2 More Country, 1 of Compromís, 1 New Canary, 1, Teruel Exists, and 1 of the BNG). The block does not amount to 164 seats (88 PP, 52 Vox, 10 Citizens, 8 Junts per Catalunya, 2 CUP, 2 Union del Pueblo Navarro (UPN), 1 of Forum Asturias, and another of the PRC. 19 deputies refrain: the thirteen of CKD, the five of Bildu and the Coalition Canaria.

EH Bildu will facilitate with your abstention of the endowment

Pedro Gorospe

The foundations of EH Bildu supporters to abstain in the investiture of Pedro Sanchez. The coalition led by Arnaldo Otegi is going to continue to take steps to stop being a supporting actor and start to influence politics in the country, after the melting of the last December 17 when the left-wing nationalists met for the first time with the PSOE in an official round of contacts. 81.4% of its membership -4.406 votes— has supported the abstention after three days of voting, telematics, while the noes have not reached the 14%, 756 votes. In voting have taken part 5.441 affiliates, 40.1% of the total.