The decision of the Central Electoral Board to disqualify as a member of the president Quim Torra fell as a jug of cold water in the ranks of the Republican Left. The dome that presides over the vice-president Pere Aragonès had done their utmost to explain to their base that the agreement with the PSOE, and that involves creating a table of negotiation between governments about the Catalan question, it was a good starting point to try to normalize relations between the two institutions. But nothing more to know the decision of the national electoral commission to disqualify Torra the sectors most radicalized of the independence, beginning by the Assemblea Nacional Catalana, pressured of Aragonès to thwart the inauguration.

however, sources of the dome of CKD insisted last night that are still committed to facilitating the election of Pedro Sanchez with his abstention despite the fact that the party will hold this morning for a final debate on the matter in the bosom of the executive. Joan Tardà, president of the National Council of the party, said in a message on Twitter: “will Not burst the endowment”.


ERC asserts that the legal framework for the negotiation table “goes far beyond” the Constitution

As all the actors of the process of investiture CKD is not taking it easy to keep your commitments. The disqualification express Torra was compounded by the decision of the Electoral Board to prevent Oriol Junqueras you can pick up the act of mep. Although the party leadership has made it clear that the decisions of the national electoral commission are not in the hands of the Government a good part of the foundations of independence, encouraged by the ANC or Junts per Catalunya, opt for a boycott of the formation of any government for the duration of what they considered to be “State repression”. The dome of CKD attempted to act with coldness, yesterday afternoon, and remained in contact with the PSOE to finalize the details of the endowment.

The socialist spokeswoman Adriana Lastra contributed to pacify the situation with the independence when expressed publicly their reservations about the performance of the national electoral commission. Lastra recalled that the Electoral Board “is not a court, is purely administrative”, and therefore, he stressed, “is not a court and what we hope is that in this case the highest court of this country, the Supreme Court, please answer as soon as possible to this matter”.

however, before they know the decisions of the national electoral commission of Pere Aragonès also stressed the stage of negotiation, ensuring that the agreement reached with the PSOE does not limit what can be agreed at the negotiating table: “We have identified that the legal framework is the legal order democratic, and this goes far beyond the Constitution,” said the party’s spokesperson Marta Vilalta.

The spokesman of the pro-independence tried to do this to counter the criticism that came from their partners in government Junts per Catalunya in the sense that the republicans have put up too many facilities to the government of Pedro Sanchez. Vilalta responded by ensuring that the abstention of his training at the investiture of Pedro Sanchez “is assured.”

Also found that probably the proposals of the Government will be “very short” compared to where they want to go, but added that, as a minimum, be able to argue and rebut, as well as to defend for what it is necessary to go much beyond, in his words.

Hours after to know the text of the agreement, the president of the Generalitat, Quim Torra, returned to the charge against the negotiation table and assured that he will seek his own channel of direct dialogue with the president of the Government. From Waterloo, the former president Carles Puigdemont asked for a table pre-party of independence to agree a common position on the negotiating table with the Government.