Pedro Sanchez defends this Saturday his candidacy to be invested at the forefront of a coalition Government of left-wing end of the political blockade. The socialist leader has opened the plenary with a speech with no time limit that has been started by entering fully into the conflict Catalan — “it’s Not going to break Spain, not going to break the Constitution. Here’s what is going to break is the lock”— to move on after a break-down of their proposals and initiatives of Government, such as the repeal of the labour reform of 2012, among others. These are some of the most significant sentences of the speech of the candidate:

About the new Government and the political situation

“it’s Not going to break Spain, not going to break the Constitution. Here’s what is going to break is the lock to the progressive Government democratically elected by the Spanish”.


Sanchez appeals to the roots of the PSOE as a guarantor of stability: “it’s Not going to break Spain and not break the Constitution” Editorial | ‘Last chance’ Agreement between the PSOE and ERC: a lease or an opportunity to The dome of CKD is inclined to maintain its commitment with the PSOE in spite of the discomfort

“Spain needs to break the locks. And so we will try to do so from the Government. We don’t have personal enemies in this Chamber, and we will try to speak with each of you. Our enemies, ladies and gentlemen, is the hatred, injustice and bigotry.”

“The Spanish have voted for Government, they have not voted lock, not have voted for paralysis”.

“The PSOE, it is, as some say its acronym, a party of Spanish, made by countrymen”.

“Any cordon sanitaire that is set does not go to individuals but to ideas.”

About the objectives of the coalition

“The project of the coalition of progressive is inextricably linked to the freedom”.

“we Uphold the patriotism, social (…) Patriotism is a cover”.

“The signs of identity of the coalition of progressive in the first place: values, that will be progressive; open to dialogue; and method executive, active, and resolved.”

“This Government firmly believes in social dialogue, that is why we propose to reconstruct a consensus broken and the repeal of the labour reform of 2012”.

“The gender equality defines us as a society, it’s not going to back down. This Government is inscribed in this philosophy of equality that represents the feminist movement at a global level”.

“we’re Going to slow down the climbs abusive rents.”

“we will implement a minimum income vital that rescue from the poverty to the most vulnerable sectors”.

“We are committed to extend the set of public services of welfare to all citizens, regardless of their size, the degree of dispersion or the aging of its population.”

“Thanks to the social dialogue we will set the horizon of the minimum wage at the end of the legislature in the 60% of the median wage of our country.”

“we will Not deal with anyone as an enemy but we will be intolerant of racism, sexism and homophobia”.

About Catalonia and the territorial model

“we will Not solve a sudden problem time latent during the last decade. But we can start to solve it with temperance, generosity, responsibility, and empathy”.

“we Need to start afresh. To resume the dialog at the point at which the grievances started to pile up. To resume, in short, the path of politics, leaving behind the judicialization of the conflict”.

“there’s No other way to resolve this conflict that the dialog (…). The dialogue, within the Constitution, it will be our absolute priority”.

“The law is the condition, the dialogue is the path”.

“we’re Going to discuss within the constitutional framework and we’re going to put an end to this confrontation territorial”.

“Some conflicts have to do with the wear and tear of our autonomic State, that we have to renew”