Pedro Sanchez has championed in his inauguration speech the need to take new steps to resolve the conflict in Catalonia. In a symbolic start, in which he stressed that it is not going to break Spain or the Constitution by the fact that CKD go to facilitate his election as president of the Government by the abstention of the pro-independence, Sanchez has wished to emphasize that the dialogue should be the vehicle that should enable the unlocking of a situation cystic.

This is the integral part of the intervention of the socialist candidate about his strategy in Catalonia:

Pedro Sanchez:

“we Know that the feelings are not imposed nor prohibited. And that the solution will not come from the imposition of one perception over another, but a change in both perceptions. We need to start afresh. To retake our political dialogue in the point in time when the paths diverged, and the reasons and the arguments ceased to be heard. To resume the dialog at the point at which the grievances started to pile up. Return to the path of politics, leaving behind the judicialization of the conflict.

Resume the path of dialogue, negotiation, and agreement. It is our obligation. We owe it to our children, who deserve to live in a country united in its diversity. Not broken and confronted. We all know that it is necessary to dialogue. The dialogue must start from the recognition of the other. Of the attention to their reasons. There is no other way to resolve this dispute. There is No other way that through a dialogue that develops within the Law. The law alone is not enough. The Law is the condition, the dialogue is the way.

If you want to begin to work honestly, let us start because of these two premises: open up an honest dialogue, save for the security granted by the legal framework. We have the responsibility, all the parties represented in this Chamber, to pitch in to rebuild the cohesion damaged. And to do so based on a proposal of Spain’s diverse, which is enriched in the plurality of their identities, languages, cultures and people.

we will Not solve a sudden problem, long-time latent during the last decade. But we can begin to solve it with patience and perseverance, temperance and responsibility, generosity and empathy”.

In another part of the speech has been added:

“Spain, as it is, will be our project, not as some would like it to be. And as pointed out by the Independent Fiscal Authority, contrary to certain beliefs, the autonomous model has been an improvement in the territorial distribution of higher income than the countries of our environment.

The road, therefore, cannot be the of the regression, but the improvement, reform and update our system. Always ensuring the equality among all spaniards.

ours is a complex model, it is obvious. But the complexity is nothing more than a manifestation of the diversity and not become a pretext not to move forward. It has to be a stimulus for the consensus and the dialogue from a premise: it requires a willingness to share power, to limit the power.

We will improve the mechanisms for institutional collaboration with all the autonomous communities. In this context, the Government will address the political conflict in Catalonia promoting dialogue in the area of Catalonia and between the Government of Spain and the Generalitat of Catalonia. I insist, always within the constitutional framework.

we will Work with the basque Government in the fulfillment of the pending transfer of the current Statute, and in the renewal of the same want to do the basque Parliament.

it Is essential to clarify the division of powers between State power and autonomous. By doing so, we will be fighting one of the most evil of the current system: the regulatory uncertainty produced by the conflict of powers. More efficiency, more clarity, more specificity in the allocation of responsibilities has benefits for the society and for the economic actors. Means less conflict and more clarity.

in The same way, we will promote the participation of the autonomous communities in the decisions of the State and of the State in the proceedings of the autonomous community when it is affected the general interest. And to foster an exchange of real information in order to promote a real integration between the two powers. This is started must be the legislature of the dialogue, in general, and of territorial dialogue in particular. And we will promote the formal constitution of the Conference of Presidents on an annual basis”.