Four experts from Public Agenda (professors of Political Science) discusses the agreement between PSOE and ERC, which should allow the investiture of Pedro Sanchez, not only for its content, but also by their shape and the consequences which result from their different interpretations.


The Board of Elections agrees to dismiss Quim Torra after his conviction for disobedience of The BNG shall vote yes, and canaries Coalition will abstain in the investiture of Sanchez The minority that will support the endowment of Sanchez in support of the agreement with ERC PSOE complaint a ploy of the right for the boycott of the investiture

Ignacio Molina

Professor of Political Science at the Autonomous University of Madrid

covenant that will allow the investiture of Pedro Sánchez, with the abstention of the today main pro-independence party is focused on formats and avoids substantive content might be. But that does not prevent very significant impact and varied. The opposition argues in the paradox of feeling appalled and at the same time not to have done anything to avoid it. The agreement also deepens the fracture of Catalan nationalism between pragmatic and maximalist. And among those who support the future coalition of the left, few dare to deny truths to be annoying, such as the distrust that generates a negotiation so opaque and subject to the uncomfortable situation that involves the formation of a Government without a majority. With these items it would be naive to believe that the height of a view and the mood of the integrator will dominate the new phase that opens today of the conflict. Especially when they are outside the protagonists as the party with the most votes in the last regional elections (Cs); the one who has provided all the presidents of the Generalitat since 2012 (Junts per Catalunya) and the expected will happen to the socialists in The Moncloa (PP). It is the hope that CKD and PSOE, chasing tacticismos short-term, allow for a climate that will help in the future to a process of dialogue less premature and more inclusive that this.

Cristina Ares

Professor of Political Science at the University of Santiago

56 days was The hug from Sanchez and Churches of the unlocking of the investiture on the 7th of January, 58 counted from the November general election, when CKD won 13 seats in the Congress, with 869.934 votes, the 22,56% of the catalans and 3,61% of the whole of the State. Day 2, 200 loyal to Oriol Junqueras that they represent in the national council of CKD, its 10,000 militants would have given good agreement with the PSOE that, with the favorable vote or abstention (beyond the socialist deputies and of the group United we Can) of the PNV, More Country, Compromís, New Canary, Teruel Exists, Bildu, BNG, and coalición Canaria, would ensure that there is Government. The 96,39% of the voters who opted for different forces to ERC—Nationalists on the 10th of November they will see how it provides a new misrule the “table of dialogue” given by Sanchez to Junqueras and the vice-president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, Left, has raised with the president Quim Torra and members of Government of Junts per Catalunya as an opportunity to defend in tandem with a right —self-determination— imaginary.

Astrid Neighborhood

Professor of Political Science at the University of Valencia

The agreement that, after the green light of the council national of CKD, is going to allow the investiture of Pedro Sánchez was not the only possible one, but it has ended up being the only viable due to the refusal of the PP and Citizens to explore other formulas mathematically possible and ideologically as complex as the one that is going to materialize. But one thing is for the endowment and other governance, and the viability of the agreement with CKD. Especially when this includes a table of dialogue between the Government of Spain and the Generalitat, and the president Torra, despite their repeated demands to sit and talk [to sit down], has already advanced that the agreement is between parties and does not compromise the whole of the Executive of the Catalan language. It is expected, therefore, that the agreement shall remain hibernating until in Catalonia has been a partner of course, something that can only come after new elections that could precipitate.

Juan Rodríguez Teruel

Professor of Political Science at the University of Valencia

The agreement between PSOE and ERC is a correction to the overall strategy deployed by both parties in recent years, as already anticipated, the motion of censure. It is not a mere improvisation. The harsh reaction on the part of their opponents has less to do with the contents nouns —of lower importance that it meant the agreements of Jordi Pujol, Felipe González and José María Aznar— with the competitive advantages this can bring to their drivers in the new situation. The paradox is that the success of these agreements will require the involvement of both the PP as Junts per Catalunya, for whom the margin of performance will be heavily restricted by the loudest voices of the neonacionalismos generated by the “new policy”. It will depend on the scope of this new attempt of the covenant of the left plurinational: o Sanchez, Pablo Iglesias and Junqueras get set out to Pablo Casado and Carles Puigdemont in a new consensus refundador, or these will wait until the frustrated expectations returned to the hegemony of rights.