Esquerra will maintain its abstention in the debate of investiture of Pedro Sanchez. It has been decided by this Saturday, an extraordinary meeting of the executive of the formation, called yesterday, Friday, after learning of the decision of the Central Electoral Board to disqualify the president of the Generalitat Quim Torra as a deputy and Oriol Junqueras as a politician. The debate has lasted more than three hours but finally it was decided that the 13 deputies republicans in Madrid to facilitate the inauguration of the socialist leader in the second round of the vote, next Tuesday, the 7th.

“If they thought that CKD would let you run, you’t waste the opportunity to force the State to a negotiation on Catalonia, which make arm useful than the PP, Citizens, and Vox want to do by the back door, is wrong. We are confident that the president Torra will lead the delegation of Catalonia at the negotiating table with the Government that it will be launched,” he assured the coordinator of the ERC and vice president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès.

republicans believe that behind the national electoral commission are “sewers of the State” and Aragonès has assured that the decision of the democratic authority, “not only is an attack on Catalan institutions, but to all democratic institutions”. “They are trying to do everything so that the policy of negotiation, democratic politics, does not see the light,” he said Aragonès, which has also insured that there will be “more attacks”from the right and from the extreme right to avoid resolving the conflict Catalan.

Aragonès has also invited “all the forces of the tradition of catalanism”, in reference to the PSC and to the common, to support in full this afternoon the rejection of the disqualification of the Round. “I am confident that the Catalan socialists support the president. They know better than anyone that today in the afternoon touches the defense of the institution and today the institution is headed by Quim Torra,” he assured the vice-president.


Debate of investiture of Pedro Sanchez, live | Paul is Married: “you have brought Us a Government nightmare” Sanchez appeals to the roots of the PSOE: “it’s Not going to break Spain or are going to break the Constitution”

The decision of the national electoral commission cortocircuitó plans Esquerra, adding more pressure to reconsider their pact with the PSOE, as asked from Junts per Catalunya and from the Assemblea Nacional Catalana. The republicans decided to convene the executive committee of the party after knowing the decision of the electoral authority and go out with a bang in the social networks to express rejection of the disqualification of the Round as a deputy of the Parliament.

The vice-president of the Catalan government and coordinator of ERC, Pere Aragonès, tweeted yesterday, Friday, with the news of the decision of the Board: “We are with you president, always. All the support to deal with this aberrant decision of the national electoral commission”. For his part, the chairman of the party, Oriol Junqueras, also called on the social network “to preserve the Catalan institutions”.

interim Chair

The party of Junqueras works in the scenario of that disqualification, as a member of the Round by the Central Electoral Board shall not prosper. However, Aragonès, to questions of journalists, has accepted the possibility that finally the Supreme Court ruling on the case (Torra resorted to that instance after the decision of the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia), and therefore the political Junts per Catalunya can not continue in office.

“beyond the interim charges, here there will be no president. The presidency is a choice made by the Parliament”, he insisted. The law of the presidency of the Generalitat establishes that in the case of debarment with a final judgment to be the vice president who takes office without the power to call for elections, waiting for the Camera to choose another president or the activation of the clock for new elections.