Iran has announced this Sunday that it will respect its commitments in the framework of the nuclear agreement signed with six global powers in 2015. Tehran is considered to be unrelated to the limits set out in the covenant in the matter of uranium enrichment, has informed the state television, which cited a press release by the Executive.

The decision comes two days after the attack in which the united States killed the general of the iran’s Qasem Soleimani in Iraq, and just hours after a new wave of threats from president Donald Trump, who warned the Islamic Republic that has 52 goals iranians ready in the event that Tehran respond to the murder of Soleimani hitting u.s. interests.

The enrichment of uranium is a key step to assemble a nuclear bomb. Tehran has always maintained that its nuclear program is exclusively civilian purposes.

The regime of the ayatollahs had been taking steps away from the agreement since the united States abandoned it in 2018. In the past few months has intensified the enrichment of uranium and the rest of signatories (Uk, France, Germany, Russia and China) have sought that the agreement does not come down. However, according to the Reuters news agency, Iran currently enriches to a level of 4.5%, a little above the level set in the nuclear deal (3,67%) and well below the threshold that is reached before the agreement (20%) and the time required to put together a head atomic (90%).

The announcement of this Sunday represents the separation more convincing Iran of the commitments of the covenant, but Tehran said that it will maintain the cooperation with the agency of nuclear UN, which carries out key inspection tasks.

The spokesman, quoted by the television has been pointed out that these next steps may be reversed if Washington lifts the sanctions that it maintains on Tehran.

this Is the tangible first step after the attack that killed Soleimani. Iranian leaders have vowed to take revenge for what they consider to be a criminal act, and the whole region is on tenterhooks waiting for the occurrence of the retaliation. The united states has announced the shipment of 3,500 more soldiers to the region, although their plans are complicated by the request of the iraqi Parliament, who supports the acting prime minister, Adil Abdelmahdi, to demand the departure of the national territory of the u.s. troops, in a new development that agitated the tense board of the middle East.

Since the withdrawal of the Administration Trump in 2018, the three european powers, signatories of the covenant and the EU are trying to keep alive the nuclear deal that Tehran sealed with the Administration of Barack Obama. However, it has not been effective to constitute a financial instrument that would allow Iran to circumvent the economic sanctions of the united States. The announcement of this Sunday leaves the control architecture of the iranian nuclear programme in a state of coma.