The Governments of Mexico and Argentina lined up this Sunday with the main international partners of John Guaidó in their rejection of the hand strike that ended with the proclamation as president of the National Assembly of Venezuela of a deputy opposition dissident with the backing of chavez. The blockade of Parliament, under siege by police and security forces, and the maneuver with which the ruling party tried to prevent the re-election of the head of the legislative provoked the condemnation of the major countries of the region. However, the statement of the foreign ministries of Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Alberto Fernández have special relevance due to its position is usually more conciliatory to the regime of Nicolás Maduro.

“Mexico makes votes for the National Assembly of Venezuela be able to democratically elect their Board of Directors in accordance with the process established in the Constitution of that country brother. The legitimate functioning of the Legislative Power is pillar inviolable democracies”, said the ministry of Foreign Affairs on Twitter. The argentine foreign minister, Felipe Solá, recalled that the Executive of Fernandez “is trying by all means that the dialogue and the agreements are the way for the full recovery of the democratic functioning of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela”. “To prevent by force the operation of the Legislative Assembly is to be condemned to international isolation. We reject this action and we urge the venezuelan government to accept that the road is exactly the opposite. The Assembly shall choose its president with total legitimacy,” he said.


Coup hand of chavez to avoid the re-election of Guaidó in the Parliament Parra, an opponent of dissident accused of corruption in order to stop the Guaidó The chaos of a floor drawn to a country

In the reconstruction policy that has had america the last year, the Assembly of venezuela, controlled by the opposition, had not lost the support of Argentina-despite the change of Government, the return to power of the kirchnerismo, for years ally of chavez, and the output of the Group’s country of Lima.

Meanwhile, Guaidó returned to spend a list of its international allies. The main support that has the opposition leader have come out quickly to reiterate the support after what has been described as a blow to the Parliament, the only institution recognized as legitimate in Venezuela for the greater part of the international community, since Nicolas Maduro to advance the elections in 2018, and in a fraudulent process becomes elected, which finally led to the interim Guaidó.

The Group of Lima, integrated by Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Lucia, condemned the use of force by the regime to prevent, with violence, the installation of the session the opening of the legislative year at the Capitol and the election of the new board of directors. “The Group of Lima is following with extreme concern the events that are happening in Venezuela and called on the international community to work together in support of the recovery of democracy and the restoration of the rule of law in that country”.

the united States responded through messages on social networks from the account of his Embassy virtual to Venezuela and representatives of the Department of State. Michael Kozak, in charge of Latin america at the Department of State of the united STATES, called it “a farce” the vote in which Luis Parra’s abrogation of the presidency of the Parliament and supported the opposition leader. “Guaidó remains the acting president of Venezuela under the Constitution. The session false the National Assembly this morning lacked the legal quorum. There was No vote,” he said in a tweet.

The foreign ministry of Colombia also expressed concern for what happened at the Legislative Palace. “We warn the international community about the use of violence against the deputies and the obstacles that have prevented in carrying out the process of election of the board of Directors in a transparent manner. This new attack on democracy by the illegitimate regime of Nicolas Maduro should be condemned by all States committed to the rule of Law and Human Rights”.

The democracies of Europe have not reacted yet to what happened in Venezuela. The Spanish Socialist workers Party (PSOE) has published a series of tweets condemning the obstruction to the installation of the session. “The harassment must cease. The election of the president of the AN must be given with the quorum and majorities required and according to the rules of the House”.