The president of Mexico will love the sayings. The uses for the field, for the economy or to explain the role of Mexico in the international context. “The best foreign policy is a good domestic policy”, is usually responding Andrés Manuel López Obrador when asked about a relevant subject. Faithful to this premise, after 18 months of winning the election, López Obrador, of 66 years, has resigned to travel abroad, but has taken the equivalent of three trips around the world traveling through Mexico. A tireless marathon, which includes everything from provincial capitals to remote villages lost in the mountain.


Mexico cools the expectations of Argentina to form a shaft progressive Giammattei is allied with López Obrador for the development of the border Mexico exports a development program in El Salvador

Lopez Obrador seeks the street as the bull of the cloak. He has recognized that he does not like to be in the majestic National Palace (official residence) and has embarked on a permanent tour during which he has made, according to their press kit, 278 public acts, practically one every day minus Sunday, and the brief summer vacation and Christmas on their farm in Chiapas, in the south of the country.

Since he won overwhelmingly the elections of July 2018 with more than 30 million votes, Lopez Obrador, known by his austerity and repudiation of what he considers luxuries-how to use the official vehicle – has refused to travel to Japan at the G20 summit last June or to New York at the United Nations Assembly in September. “You’re not interested in. You feel uncomfortable in those environments,” says a senior person responsible for the chancellery. To change, you have come 140.204 kilometers, according to data provided by the Presidency, the equivalent to three and a half turns to the earth.

His rejection of everything foreign is not new. In the life of the leader of the Movement of Regeneration Nacional (Morena) there is hardly any trips abroad. In the past we have a record of a remote trip to the united States, during their honeymoon, the other more to Cantabria, to know Ampuero, the land of his grandfather, and that was the united Kingdom, United States, Chile, and Ecuador during the presidential campaign in 2017. Since then, it has become to use the passport.

With another saying: “I don’t want to be a fixture of the street and darkness of the house,” he explained his absences in Geneva, at the centenary of the ILO (International Labour Organization) in September last or in the shots of the possession of representatives of the neighbouring countries. López Obrador is the first mexican president not to leave the country in its first year of mandate, in contrast with Vicente Fox (2000-2006), who made 15 trips abroad, Felipe Calderón (2006-2012) with eight or Enrique Peña Nieto (2012-2018), which visited 19 countries during the first year of his Administration.

despite this, it has been impossible to keep to the margin of becoming Latin american. Nothing more to win the election, in his first trip abroad, the then president-elect of Argentina, Alberto Fernández, visited Mexico in November to meet Lopez Obrador.

that meeting there were no questions or communicated, and it came down to a photo spread in a tweet. The same thing happened with the leaders newly elected El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, or Guatemala, Alejandro Giammattei, who had to move to Mexico to learn about López Obrador. After your protection also ran Evo Morales, that he even sent a plane to leave Bolivia to the protests that demanded his resignation. However, during the three weeks that the former president of Bolivia was to seek asylum in Mexico, before moving to Argentina, he never knew if they came to be.

Lopez Obrador does not like the meetings with representatives of foreign. You note boring and misplaced. As you have occasion, it passes the matter to his chancellor, Marcelo Ebrard, who almost acts as the vice-president (a figure nonexistent in Mexico) and that has operated with the ability to neutralize two of the most talked-about conflict diplomats: the unleashed posturing of Donald Trump against Mexico -treaty as a matter of national – or the letter to the King of Spain, demanding “forgiveness” for the conquest 500 years ago that disoriented everyone. López Obrador also avoids making statements about the foreign policy of other countries, especially the united States. This week, he avoided referring to the bombing that ended the life of the general iranian Soleimani, even though it positioned itself in support of Julian Assange.

Ebrard is responsible for a policy based on the doctrine Estrada (non-intervention), which has disassociated itself from the Group of Lima and has avoided joining any condemnation of the venezuelan Nicolás Maduro. In parallel, it promotes solo a Marshall plan for Central america to reduce migration that starts without clear braces.

“even Though López Obrador is not interested in the outside, to the outside if you want to López Obrador,” says the source of the chancellery. This year, Mexico will hold the presidency of the temporary Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, that seeks to promote its role in the region; Alberto Fernández, the new president of Argentina, made his first trip after the election victory, even as president-elect, Mexico. Fernández is interested in putting together a axis, progressive with López Obrador, who, however, does not intend to hog the limelight outside of the borders of his country.

The presidential plane that is oxidised in the USA

The next day of coming to power on December 1, 2018, Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced the sale of the presidential plane in which so moved Enrique Peña Nieto. According to the president, was a symbol of luxury and ostentation unsuitable for a poor country. An airplane as luxurious, he said, “that’s not what had no Trump”.

The Government put on sale the aircraft, but a year later nobody was interested by him, and is oxidized at an airport in California by whose space is paid a rent similar to what it cost to keep it in flight, more than a million pesos a month (47.000 euro), which amounts to an annual expenditure of 16 million pesos (760,000 euros) to keep it parked. Only by washing it, the State pays 100,000 pesos (4.700 euros), according to the newspaper Reforma.

The presidential plane, with capacity for 280 people, a kitchen, and private rooms for the president, form part of the fleet of 72 aircraft, of which 20 are linked to the presidency, López Obrador promised to sell but, until now, have only generated expenses. To scroll the contractor shall use commercial flights in tourist class, a gesture of closeness to their voters recognize but that hides another that is oxidized in a haverag of the united States.