“I Want to start by condemning the sickening murder that a man committed yesterday against his wife, and his three years old daughter”. It seemed that Santiago Abascal, the leader of Vox, there was grinding and suddenly his speech by holocaust denier of gender-based violence, when it started as well this Tuesday his speech in the debate of investiture. Until Adriana Lastra, spokesperson of the PSOE, applauded surprised from his seat. This was not so. Abascal used the first crime macho 2020 —the Government confirmed yesterday, mother and daughter, as the first victims of gender-based violence— to launch the first hoax: it held that a law of “domestic violence”, that child would be covered by the law. Ignore that it already is, because as from 2015 a specific law protects minors who are victims of gender-based violence. The leader of Vox spent almost half of his speech at the investiture of violence against women, showing that this will continue to be one of his topics flag in the new legislature.

Abascal developed below a xenophobic discourse, linking —up with fake data— the immigration with sexual assault. He listed a supposed list of aggressions in the group committed by immigrants, and argued that “69% of all men indicted for violations group were foreigners”. This is false, according to the Ministry of the Interior, because there is not a statistical complete disaggregated by the nationality of the attackers. Second hoax in 8 minutes of intervention. “Stop manipulating the data. The problem is not race or origin, is the machismo. It’s called machismo, and it kills,” he replied after the socialist spokeswoman, Adriana Lastra.

Abascal justified his interest in violence against women as a central axis of his speech at the investiture because it is “one of the most powerful reasons” which justify his not Peter Sanchez said. In addition, it is a topic that is the difference of the PP: Paul Married to him had taken away much of the space on Saturday with a speech very, very tough. Perhaps that is why the leader of far-right rose several degrees yesterday their disqualifications against the new Government: accused Sanchez of giving a “blow-institutional” and of wanting to preside over “an illegitimate regime”, “integrated and co-chaired de facto by communists with close ties with dictatorships”. There is No evidence of these claims. “A Government that has the approval of ETA”, he concluded by elevation, by the fact that Bildu has abstained.