The first coalition Government since the restoration of democracy is already in place. Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón was sworn in as president on Tuesday, following eight months of interim and with two elections by, for the most tighter in the last four decades. And despite the harsh accusations from the bench to the right, which railed time and again against the alleged lack of legitimacy of the majority formed by the socialist leader. After today promise to comply with and enforce the Constitution as the head of Government with the King Felipe VI, Sanchez will take a few days to announce his Government, despite the rush of the last few weeks. The endowment, was sealed to the edge of the two-and-a-half in the afternoon. And by the hair: by just two votes ahead.


Pedro Sanchez manages the endowment and form the first coalition Government of the democracy in The second vote of investiture, on images Page, Lambán, and the Rod is unchecked the rest of the barons of the PSOE, and not clothe themselves to Sanchez in his investiture

The socialist leader won the backing of 167 mps, 165 noes. The excitement flooded the floor immediately after the vote, translated into hugs and the tears of the parliamentary socialists and United we Can. While, the PP, Vox and Citizens left the room with a grim expression. The session was short, but as tense as the previous two days. The composition of the coalition of progressive, in addition to the abstention of CKD and Bildu, were the tricks used by the groups opposed to Sanchez to attack.

Passed the first step of the endowment, is coming to a legislature espinosa, without majorities clear to ensure a reform agenda, a thousand times postponed. And with the negotiation on Catalonia as a touchstone. The first surprise came in the afternoon, when the calendar and the logical steps subsequent to the vote of Sanchez jumped through the air. The PSOE announced that the president will not release the composition of its Executive officer until the next week. The haste with which Sanchez wanted to hold the inauguration -in weekend and in the middle of christmas vacation, with the first vote on the eve of three Kings Day – suggested that this same speed would result in the election of ministers. It shall not be so. Missing settings: “Still not everything is closed, as simple as that. It will be soon”, pointed in The Moncloa.

the preparation of The Executive go far beyond the owners of the portfolios: the headquarters ministerial are these days buzzing. The current equipment is a swirl of uncertainty. In all it is a given that will be renovated until the second and third levels, which affect State secretariats and directorates-general.

there are No certainties about those changes but on the continuity of some of the current ministers. Carmen Calvo will be at the forefront of a vice-presidency which would include territorial coordination: it would be the main management of the crisis in Catalonia. Nadia Calviño will lead a vice-president the economic. The third vice which is secured the will the leader of United we Can, Pablo Churches. José Luis Ábalos also has confirmed its continuity in Development, as the holder of Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, and Teresa Ribera (Ecological Transition). But there are not many more fixed. Sources socialists recognize that the plans of Sánchez are almost a State secret.

From the core closest to Sánchez highlights the fact that the president has made clear the structure of the future Government, but not yet who will be his ministers. Well for any candidate to refuse the offer or fail to comply with the requirements.

Aware of the cross-fire to which the Government will be subjected, Sanchez does not want to take a single extra argument to the opposition. In June 2018, Màxim Huerta resigned as minister of Culture and Sports, just a week after taking office, after the discovery that he had been sentenced for tax fraud. Three months later, Carmen Bunch resigned as minister of Health by the irregularities of his master.

In The Moncloa had this weekend to point to the list of future ministers elected by Sanchez, but the detailed examination of the curricula and the trajectories of potential candidates has been alerted of possible problems in any case. Enough so that it is not possible to fit all the pieces of the puzzle of the Council of Ministers in the hours following the vote of investiture.

The PSOE received with surprise the decision of Sanchez to delay the composition of his Government. Not even the dome of Ferraz handled that scenario. The leaders thought that several of the principal ministers of the next Executive they would be meeting today, Wednesday. The same thing happened with the high charges of The Moncloa. The own Calvo said at the opening session of Saturday that was going to be a Government “soon”.

The forecast is majority-was that the ministers took possession of their portfolios this Thursday and the first Council of Ministers of the coalition outside the Friday. In the end, both the names and that council will be delayed a week. So stay in the air both increases of pensions and salaries of officials such as the rise in the minimum wage.

While Sanchez lengthening the suspense, We continued to his own, humming more appointments in their areas. A demonstration of how Sanchez and Churches have divided the Executive in watertight compartments.

Sanchez wants a strong Executive, with profiles solvents, in the line of his first Government, after the motion of censure against Rajoy said the government interlocutors consulted. The Catalan question will be central, but the chair’s intention is to treat of the management of the Government check the agenda in all areas, knowing the difficulty to overcome the crisis, secessionist. In addition, in two weeks you will have to start the negotiating table between the central Executive and of the government, monitored by the PP, Vox and Citizens. The right will call out immediately that Sanchez “kneels” before the independence, as proclaimed yesterday, in the debate of investiture.

Even so, Sanchez, emphasis will be placed on what that advanced in his presentation before the Camera: “you Can continue indefinitely in a tantrum, or accept the result”. The president asked them also not to enhance the tension, “so much that it damages the living”. The answer in the block on the right, with Paul Married to the front, was to put in doubt the legitimacy of the new coalition of progressive.