The European Parliament ensures that the communication of the Central Electoral Board (JEC) on his refusal to authorize that Junqueras become mep not reached the competent services of the House until Monday night. The national electoral commission argues that the sent three days before, on Friday at 20.48 pm. In average, an email dropped in the inbox a whole weekend that may well make the difference between the truth and the lie. Or between two truths.

The european Parliament has spent all week trying to the leader of ERC as a deputy more: the administrative services have been advised of their status in parliament, as one of the mailboxes now carries his name, and the web page is contained in the list of members of the House. Sources of the chamber of indicate that to comply with the judgment of the Court of Justice of the EU, by which Junqueras had immunity since he was elected, and had to be released to pick up your certificate of mep.

The haste of the Parliament in executing the designs of the european court ignored the resolution of the national electoral commission on Friday, when it agreed that Junqueras can not be politician to be convicted by a final judgment to 13 years for the offences of sedition and malfeasance. In the beginning, the European Parliament can be excused by saying that he had not received the message of the electoral authorities in spain. But this Tuesday, the national electoral commission went out to the passage of this excuse by responding that the resolution was sent on the evening of Friday, the two emails from the community college, and received proof of receipt and reading on Monday at 10.10 in the morning, before the European Parliament to send an internal note to tell you that Junqueras, Carles Puigdemont, and Toni Comín would take possession of his seat on January 13.

Before the reaction of the Election Board, the Parliament tweaked this Tuesday, your version: the document itself came on a Friday night, but slept in the mailbox over the weekend and Monday morning they opened the email, took the official record, and it was sent to the corresponding services, which would not arrive until the evening, hours after the recognition of Junqueras as a politician.

Despite having a record of that Junqueras should not be a member at the discretion of the Election Board, the Parliament will not change its position, and will continue to treat you as a parliamentarian, at least until a ruling in a Spanish court. The Supreme Court should decide if you will have to be a member of the Parliament and attend the first plenary session of the year in Strasbourg, scheduled for next Monday the 13th of January, more than six months after the start of the legislature.

Vice-president of The Greens

While settles the fate of Junqueras, the coalition of nationalist parties European Free Alliance (ALE) was named Tuesday president of the formation in replacement of the member of the Nationalist Party Scottish Alyn Smith. Junqueras will occupy also the vice-president of the Greens, the fourth largest group in the european Parliament, in which they are integrated members of ALE. The Green, led by the German Ska Keller, have been among the most active of the chamber at the time of claim to be allowed out of prison and act as a mep. “We are looking forward to receive Oriol Junqueras in Strasbourg next week to assume his seat as a member of the european parliament,” said member of parliament François Alfonsi after the appointment.

If you finally get to enter the Camera, Junqueras could meet again in the same parliamentary group with the former Catalan Carles Puigdemont, and the exconsejero Toni Comín. Both attended the european elections of may 26, in the list of Junts per Catalunya, but despite its good relations with the flemish nationalist N-VA, co-Vox in the group of the Conservatives, have also requested to join the caucus ecologist. A few days of its premiere in Strasbourg, your application has not been approved yet.