The National Police have arrested in Palma to two minors for their alleged involvement in the gang rape of a 14-year-old that occurred during the last christmas Eve in the neighborhood of Camp Redó. Responsible for the research have stated that the arrests occurred Monday and that the investigation continue in place in order to locate other young people that are suspected of were able to participate or to agree to the sexual assault.

Sources close to the investigation have explained that the facts occurred in the night of 24 to 25 December. The child was in the neighborhood palmesana of son Gotleu where he found a group of five young people of Spanish nationality, with those who decided to celebrate christmas Eve. The group later moved to a flat situated in the area of Camp Redó of the capital of the balearic isles, where, according to the research, there was a sexual assault in a group.

The agents try to determine what is the degree of involvement of other young people who were part of the group, and if you participated in the sexual assault or consented to without doing anything to stop it. After the fact, the child informed her mother of what happened and went to file the complaint at the police station of the National Police, where he took over the Family Unit and Women. The National Police has not ruled out making more arrests throughout the day. The office for Children has been informed of the investigations conducted so far.