dynasty Fujimori’s autocratic corruption in Peru The political crisis triggered tension in the andean region

An act of discrimination has tainted the final stretch of the legislative elections in Peru. Mario Bryce, a candidate of the party of right-National Solidarity has given us a soap to Julio Arbizu, of the formation of the left-leaning Together for Peru, during a debate broadcast over the Internet this Tuesday. “I want to leave a jaboncito,” said Bryce your opponent with tongue in cheek and delivered two soaps shortly after the moderator began to close the debate. “This is racism. We are against all forms of discrimination, is making an allusion to the color of my skin, to say that I do not bath,” he replied Arbizu, announced that it will take criminal action against Bryce.

The elections will be held on the 26th of January, after the president, Martin Vizcarra, dissolve the Congress last September 30. Vizcarra was the decision to call new parliamentary elections by invoking article 134 of the Constitution and after an onslaught of the most opposing fujimorista to control the Constitutional Court as a backlash to the investigations of money laundering, the leader of the opposition, Keiko Fujimori, and their environment.

For the 59% of peruvians, the closing of the Legislative was “the positive development of the year,” said Ipsos Peru, three days before Christmas. Now almost 25 million peruvians are called to the polls to vote for a new Congress that will run until July 2021, completing the period of the parliament dissolved.

Despite the closeness of the election, half the electorate still does not know for whom they will vote, according to surveys of December. For the first time, before the legal ban political parties from paid advertising in the media, the State has hired a strip of advertising in radio and television with the same time for each training policy. However, the standard does not regulate the Internet or social networks, where the candidates of the extreme-right are turning to content-discriminatory and false claims in his videos and publications.

The clash between the experiodista Bryce and Arbizu, exfiscal anti-corruption, occurred in a debate broadcast on the social networks of the newspaper El Comercio. “The candidate Bryce adopted a conduct which is aggressive and offensive against your opponent. From this case, calls to the organizations, candidates and candidates not to offend with acts, words or gestures, with the goal of elevating the political debate and to respect the citizens,” said the court of honour of the National Jury of Elections a couple of hours after the incident. In addition, a prosecutor’s office criminal of Lima opened an investigation against Bryce imputándole the offence of discrimination.

The conservative National Solidarity was founded by the former mayor of Lima Luis Castañeda, today investigated for receiving bribes from the builder brazilian OAS. Some politicians who left the party fujimorista Fuerza Popular after the close of the Congress have been recruited by this formation, which mimics the style and values of the Spanish Vox.

Contents false

The National Jury of Elections, which must sanction the infringements of the rules on election campaign, has not been able to stop the false information and propaganda to smear the candidates of the extreme right or investigated for corruption spread in the news programs, as well as on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.

A video broadcast by National Solidarity in mid-December presents with the chords of terror, the faces of leaders of two terrorist groups in peru, interspersed with the symbol of the hammer and sickle (used in Peru by the sendero Luminoso (shining Path) and the faces of their rivals. In the propaganda show images of Nicolás Maduro; of the former presidential candidate of the left, Verónika Mendoza, the chairman Vizcarra, center-right, and a candidate of the Party Purple. In contrast, a melody angelic and a sunset to accompany the slogan and the logo of the conservative party.

The main candidates in that group defended their right to warn against a supposed “threat chavez” in Peru. After three weeks of circulation of the video, a jury election was ordered this Monday to the political group that withdrew from their accounts.

in Addition, representatives of National Solidarity and the Apra Party, exaliado of Popular Force in the Congress dissolved, distributed in social media graphics fake results of surveys. The secretary-general of National Solidarity, Rafael López, published on Facebook a chart in which his party was in third place of preferences according to a Public Opinion Institute since 2011 does not make polls in an electoral campaign. “We fight for the defense of the family, protection of school children from the aberrations of gender ideology,” added Lopez on your wall.

The candidate of National Solidarity Rosa Bartra, who was one of the leading members of the opposition fujimorista, insists in his speeches that he opposes the “ideology of gender” in schools. “The Government only cares about teaching girls to empower themselves is to masturbate”, repeats Bartra, a former chairperson of the Committee on the Constitution of the Congress. The opposition to gender equality in the school curriculum it was a battle in 2016 began the fujimorismo, the former mayor Castañeda and groups of conservative evangelicals who joined in a group called “my kids don’t mess up”.

Other content questioned have been the tweets of members of the Apra Party which they attributed to the Institute of Peruvian Studies (IEP), the number of seats that will get in the next Congress. “The IEP has been informed of the movement of projections corresponding to the electoral process 2020, awarded to our institution, that adulterate the results published in earlier surveys’, warned the Institute.