A mexican-migrant, who sought asylum in the united States, has committed suicide at the bridge Pharr-Reynosa upon the refusal of the us authorities of his asylum application. The man, who has not been identified, took a knife and cut his jugular vein a few meters from the border line on the mexican side, as reported by the agency Reuters.

Until now, the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection of the united States (CBP, for its acronym in English) has not provided information about it. The office of the prosecutor of the State of Tamaulipas reported that they will investigate the death of the man who tried to enter the U.S., according to two police officers cited by Reuters. The subject wandered around the intersection of Rio Grande and she wore a blue shirt with black stripes. He took his own life on the 17.00 (local time).


US stops in a year to almost a million immigrants in the border with Mexico, The arrival of families to the united STATES shoots the number of migrants in February to its highest in 12 years

In the last year, the offensive anti-immigration of the Government of Donald Trump stopped to almost a million immigrants without papers who wanted to cross into its territory. The arrests increased by 88 % during 2019, according to figures from the Bureau of Customs and border Protection of the united STATES.

last October, hundreds of immigrants blocked the border bridge between Matamoros (Tamaulipas), Brownsville (Texas) to demand that they speed up the response to their asylum applications. The protesters are waiting from several months ago on mexican soil, as part of the Protocol of Protection to Migrants, a policy of the Government of Trump that forces applicants to wait in Mexico while the american courts decide whether or not to receive protection. The long waiting time varies between four and six months, although the most popular is often delayed up to eight months. Asylum seekers who are waiting in Mexico have faced the contexts of violence and insecurity.

The Government of Mexico has strengthened controls and foreign militarizó its border in the south to avoid a rise in tariff on the part of Washington. The border between the two countries of North America is the world’s busiest, with a binational commerce that exceeds the 600,000 million dollars a year.