The PSOE and United We signed this Wednesday a document with 20 measures to commit their loyalty to one another in the first coalition Government since 1977. The protocol was signed by its parliamentary spokespersons, and states that both will vote together with the action of Government, in addition to not intrude on the proposals of the other until they arrive at the Council of Ministers. But it will also grant freedom to vote on issues that do not affect the action of the Executive.

Both parties are trying to avoid starting that becomes the image of the next coalition Government will work as two Executives parallel. The own vice-president, Carmen Calvo, repeated several times in The Breakfast of TVE, the Government is only one and has a single president, while acknowledging some discomfort because since We may have been filtered because of the names of its quota of ministers, when Pedro Sánchez has delayed the formal communication of the entire Cabinet the other week.


the design of The Government complicates Pedro Sanchez the appointment of their ministers Pablo Iglesias has already profiled the area in the Cabinet President to the fifth, and by two votes

To avoid these dysfunctions, the heads of the two parliamentary groups signed a protocol of operation, with 20 measures that are summarized on a promise of working with loyalty, spirit of consensus, and communicating the proposals in advance to avoid surprises. The PSOE was the first who reported of the covenant sealed by his spokesperson, Adriana Lastra, and the secretary of the group, Rafael Simancas, yet the spokesman of Can in the Congress, Irene Montero, proposed to be minister, and his replacement these past few months in the lower House, Ione Belarra, which is expected to take a Secretary of State. The protocol is titled Operation, Coordination, Development and Follow-up of the Agreement of Progressive Government Coalition.

The first chapter focuses on the basic rules of the functioning of the coalition and leaves granted shall be governed “by the principles of loyalty, cooperation, shared responsibility and stability, acting at all times with dialogue, consensus, negotiation, and good faith to effectively implement the program as a whole.” It also says that the program “will be developed at all times with full respect for the Spanish Constitution and the rest of the legal system”.

The last paragraph of that chapter of commitments points to one of the misgivings that had the own Sanchez to govern we Can, and especially in Paul’s Churches. This item specifies that the members of the Executive, “is committed to the utmost discretion in connection with the negotiations and agreements that occur within the Government and, in a unique way, in the Permanent Bureau and the Monitoring Committee of the Parliamentary”.

Table of Follow-up

The standing committee to review the functioning of the covenant, which will constitute in the next 30 days, will consist of 10 members, divided between two representatives of the Presidency of the Government, two of the first Vice-president, two other of the second Vice president (the Churches), one of the Secretariat of State of Communication, another area of communication of the leader of Can and a member of each of the two parliamentary groups. The frequency of your appointments will not be fixed and will determine its components with flexibility.

Who manda is the president

One of the points of the protocol signed between PSOE and we Can refers to the fact that both must “meet, in particular, what is stated in the article 98 of the Constitution”, relatico to the composition and the action of the Executive. In your point 2, stipulates: “The president directs Government action and coordinates the functions of the other members of the same, without prejudice to the competence and direct responsibility of these in its management. The 3 states that “the members of the Government will not be able to exert other representative functions that the own of the parliamentary mandate, neither any other public function not derived from their position, nor professional activity or mercantile some. And the 4 reamata: “The law shall regulate the status and incompatibilities of the members of the Government”.

The document mentions several times concepts such as coordinate, to communicate, to share, to put in common and thus refers both to the parliamentary work as the Executive, in particular in everything related to communication. In point 12 it is stated that must be compatible with that unity of action with the diversity of the vote by ideological differences or programmatic, in “initiatives that do not affect explicit agreements or the budgets” of the government programme. But the ministers of each training undertake not to interfere and comment on projects of other areas, at least until the matter comes to the board of the Council of Ministers.

The last four paragraphs are dedicated to prepare for potential discrepancies. The two parties agree that will be discussed in the monitoring committee. And, in the case of a remodeling of the Cabinet, each party will continue to maintain the same quota of power at the source.