The flu epidemic has begun in Spain. The virus affects to 54.6 people per 100,000 inhabitants, which exceeds for the first time in the season 2019-2020 the threshold basal (52,6), according to the latest report of the Surveillance System of Influenza of the Institute of Health Carlos III for the week of 30 December to 5 January.

The first few communities that have reached levels classified as epidemic are Asturias, Extremadura, Navarre and the Basque Country. Although the intensity is still “low” (on a scale that provides for baseline, low, medium, high and very high), the evolution is growing. Also what is in Cantabria, La Rioja, Balearic islands and Canary islands, although currently kept at a basal level.


With the first symptoms of the flu, follow these guidelines does Flu, cold or sinusitis? These are the symptoms and what does each one

despite the fact that the incidence of flu has increased considerably compared to previous weeks, the level of intensity of influenza activity remains low at a general level. The start of the season in emarca on regular dates, and this year has started very slowly”, according to Pere Godoy, president of the Spanish Society of Epidemiology (SEE). “I don’t think that will be a year of much activity, but you have to be cautious. Now that there is school activity, the spread will be multiplied, especially under the age of 15 years,” he says.

From the start of the season, have been reported hospitalized cases with influenza in 14 communities; the accumulated rate of hospitalization of patients with the virus stood at 2.8 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. The largest proportion in persons 64 years of age (40%), followed by the group of 15 to 64 years (37%). In 82% of patients we isolated the virus, in 17% of the virus B, and in the 1% of the virus C.

with Regard to cases of severe hospitalized confirmed influenza, the report shows that there have been 1.2 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, among which it has identified the virus in 91%, B 8% and C in the 1%. The To is of the H1N1 type, the same type that starred in the pandemic of 2019, one “very soft that has been between us,” in the words of Godoy.

Now is studying whether the strain matches exactly with that of last year, because, despite being the same type can have mutations. This will determine the effectiveness of the vaccine act. As we are reminded by the president of the ESS, the risk groups are still time to get vaccinated: “In the event that does not prevent, it is proven that the infection is more mild”.

The 76% of the patients with available information had risk factors for complications of influenza. In adults the risk factors most prevalent are the chronic cardiovascular disease (31%), chronic lung disease (29%) and diabetes (25%), and in the under 15 years of age, chronic lung disease (5%), chronic cardiovascular disease (5%) and immunodeficiency (5%).