Jeanine Áñez, interim president by the grace of the Eternal Mexico complaint to Bolivia before the international justice for the siege of its embassy in La Paz

The transitional Government of bolivia increased the persecution of president Evo Morales and his co-workers. The minister of Governance, Arturo Murillo, was presented to the press with a pair of handcuffs in hand and announced that I had just activated an arrest warrant against Morales, who is accused of terrorism and sedition. “Come, don’t be afraid, we will take care of”, joked in his statement. On the other hand, it is reviewing the heritage of all ministers, deputy ministers, directors, governors and mayors of the Movement to Socialism (MAS). “We have 600 people under investigation, and it is little,” said Murillo. The purpose of this research is to find accounts or properties unexplained that lead to new processes for corruption, in addition to the many that already exist.

he was Also arrested the owner of an important television channel next to the previous Government, after being accused of illicit enrichment by the parliamentarians of the ruling party. And, to complete the picture, a woman was stopped at the airport in El Alto when he attempted to travel to Buenos Aires with $ 100,000 not stated. Accused of being close to the former minister Juan Ramon Quintana, currently trapped in the residence of a diplomatic of Mexico in Peace, and try to bring the money to Morales to “finance the narco-terrorism”. She stated that the money belonged to the subsidiary bolivian oil company of venezuela PDVSA, and that was with the intention of pay accounts of this company in Argentina. The Police raided the offices of PDVSA in Peace.

Another target of the prosecution have been called “warriors digital”, young people who in the past worked making propaganda mas in social networks and that, in these days, some of them, have continued publishing messages against the ruling from the computers of the State that were still in its hands and from other private. An accusation the union of provoking “animosity” against the interim president Jeanine Añez.

in Addition to the police and judiciary, pressure on the BUT it is also political. Andronicus Gutierrez, effective leader of the trade unions, coca growers and pre-candidate of the leftist party, announced that this January 22, the day on which the mandate of Evo Morales have been fulfilled, will begin another stage of the “peaceful resistance to fascism,” suggesting that there would be demonstrations of protest. In response, the minister Murillo tweeted: “Andronicus, care, radicalism… puts at risk your leadership and your future”. Rodriguez had to go out to clarify that it was not thought to commit any crime, and alleged that the Government was trying to stifle the union’s leadership with processes and arrests. Evo Morales is accused of terrorism and sedition because it is considered the organizer, from the exile, the blocking of roads, peasant, and prevents food from reaching the cities, aimed to prevent Añez will stabilize in power.

The groups of citizens who participated in the protests against Morales last year, and which continue to be mobilised, and play an active role in the arrinconamiento MAS. At this time, patrols of neighbours continue around the residence diplomatic of Mexico in La Paz, where there are refugees several exjerarcas of this party, checking cars entering and leaving the neighbourhood, to prevent leaks. Other groups have surrounded the house of the former minister of Government, Carlos Romero, preventing this exit from it. Murillo noted that Romero not hanging any order of detention, but until now the authorities have done nothing to prevent the neighbors from imposing their own law, so that the former minister is in a sort of house arrest informal.

In another city of the country, Cochabamba, patrols neighborhood surrounding the offices of the Ombudsman’s office, which considered one-sided with the MOST, and also standing up against the councilmen of this party in the Mayor’s office, asking them to resign.