When you cross the door of the headquarters of the Ministry of Justice, Juan Carlos Campo Moreno (Osuna, Seville, spain, 58 years old) will give a quantum leap in his political career. More accustomed to the second row of the parliamentary battle, this member of parliament for Cádiz will sprint to the first line to land in a sour portfolio that leaves the prosecutor Dolores Delgado, who goes between criticism of the sector, as that came out his predecessor, Rafael Catalá (PP).

there have been No surprises on this occasion, and the president Pedro Sánchez has opted for the name is more sounded in the pools. It has been the last minister to know, announced this Saturday at The Moncloa. Field has been in the last three legislatures as the spokesman of the PSOE in the Justice commission of Congress and accustomed to debate, your profile (absolutely more political than its predecessor) is set to a position facing the renewal of the General Council of Judicial Power (CGPJ), in office since December of 2018. Task ahead is quite difficult, in view of the intentions of the PP block this process.

Doctor in Law and a career judge, although not exercised for years, decades, linked to the Administrations socialist. Began in the nineties, when he left the Provincial court of Cadiz to occupy the position of director general of Relations with the Justice Administration of the regional government of Andalusia, then in the hands of the PSOE. The climbing will take after the CGPJ, as vocal; and the Executive of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, where he was secretary of State of Justice between 2009 and 2011. Just a month ago has been promoted to magistrate of the National Audience, although it remains in a situation of special services.


These are all the ministers of the Government of Pedro Sanchez

In the Congress, one of his chapters, the more hard it lived in march of 2018, when he took the floor on behalf of his party in the debate on the permanent prison revisable. Just dead killed the child Gabriel Cross and the right introduced amendments to expand the death penalty. With family members of other victims in the loge, Field defended his repeal, and accuse the PP and Citizens bring to the Courts a proposal that he knew “to rage, anger and thirst for revenge.” They came to ask Sanchez to take action against him.