The agenda is packed. The Government that will start work this Tuesday on its first Council of Ministers intends to agree to full speed from a battery of measures of a socio-economic to be sent promptly to Congress and try to put together majorities to pass bills relevant; that way, the Executive will treat of the management of the challenge Catalan pass to a second plane, according to the sources consulted. President Sanchez finished off this Saturday with the last three names —Juan Carlos Campo (Justice), Carolina, Daria (Territorial Policy) and José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes (Culture)— an Executive with 23 members, the largest since 1978, in times of Adolfo Suárez. By there —for the volume— will come the first criticism of the opposition. A Government that is about to parity, without attaining it: there are 12 men for 11 women.

The plan is to approve proposals immediately, with announcements of social and economic impact wherever possible orillen the deep crisis of the State in Catalonia. The challenge of Catalan stars from a long time ago the political debate, has contributed to the lock —which only now begins to unwind— and has raised the tension to new heights himalayescas. The goal is to agree on measures of impact on the lives of the citizens, so that Government action “can not be hidden or covered by the subject of catalonia”, argue vehemently sources socialists. Others, more realistic, and admit that this task will not be easy. The problem is there and very much alive, with eruptions continuing for the avatars judicial and prison of the main leaders of the secesionismo Catalan.

In as little as two weeks, from the swearing-in of ministers this Monday, we have to gather the table of dialogue between Governments, agreed by the PSOE and ERC. The socialists are aware that the opposition PP, Vox and Cs will raise the tone towards that target. The PSOE would prefer a dialogue, “quiet”, without rushing, to the view that the positions of the Government and of the government are very far away. “If someone expected the results are very significant and important in the short term you are mistaken”, said this Saturday, the first secretary of the PSC, Miquel Iceta, as notice to mariners.


José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes will be the minister of Culture and Sports

The new Executive order, intended to get the ball rolling so that the political debate avoid the monoculture of the challenge Catalan. Sanchez will be exhibiting this Sunday its plans in a court appearance without questions, and leaves the first press conference for Tuesday after the Council. The white house insists that it is able to adopt measures from the first minute: the ministers who continue to have not stopped working since the call of elections. “The increases in the minimum wage and the indexation of pensions will be on the agenda immediately, together with equality measures”, listed sources, the socialists, though the first stone of touch will be budgets a thousand times over.

The last appointments of the canary Darias, professor of philosophy of law, Rodríguez Uribes and the magistrate Juan Carlos Field (exvocal of the Judiciary) add profiles of political —though not very well known— to a half-dozen ministers very economic. The new faces will have the advice of the ministers outgoing, people-party “that goes with the smile that brought to enter”, point sources socialists on Magdalena Valerio and Maria Luisa Carcedo.

the cohesion of The Government, which inaugurates the coalitions in the democratic Spain of today, is one of the concerns in both parties, according to show sources of their addresses. Both formations emphasize that the will of understood is maximum, although the announcement of a fourth vice-president —Teresa Ribera— dilutes the weight of Paul’s Churches in the cabinet, and has made the jump the first sparks. Churches tries to defuse the tension: “I have much to learn from these three women,” he said Friday in relation to Ribera, Carmen Calvo and Nadia Calviño.

The reviews have started before that Sanchez will present his cabinet. PP and Cs have been underlined in the last hours, the coordination difficulties that can arise —“the chaos”, say the popular— and have thrown darts against the number of ministries (23) —“the waste”, according to the PP— and even against the track record of some ministers. The input of liberals, eurocrats and personalities of the court of the orthodox comes to diffusing the criticism of bias “radical” and even “socialcomunista” of alerting the opposition. Sanchez, who has maintained a “continuous communication” with the King, announced on Sunday his Council of Ministers to Felipe VI.

The Moncloa and Zarzuela coincide in highlighting the maximum “normal institutional”, and downplay the fact that the president is going to communicate by phone —not in person— that list. Beyond that detail, the boot will be marked by the adoption of urgent socio-economic measures of draft, and the next step will be the negotiation of the budget: to agree the public accounts is a must, once more, the contest of CKD. “Are you going to be the republicans against socio-economic measures favorable to Catalonia?”, wonder sources socialists. The answer to that question is called to mark the legislature.