police have arrested 47 people from a network that trafficked in Gibraltar with moroccan immigrants, those who earned between 7,000 and 8,000 euros to change to achieve their entry into Spain and other european countries via a new route of illegal immigration. In total, the organization achieved one million euros, thanks to your criminal activity, carried out in 18 Spanish provinces and overseas. About 200 police and coordinated by Europol, have dismantled the network, to which we have intervened € 19,000 in cash, five cars, and documentation at two residences of the Rock and The Line of the Conception (Cadiz). The 47 people are accused of criminal organization and trafficking in persons.


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The investigation began a year ago, when the Royal Gibraltar Police realized that they had significantly increased the moroccans from Tangier to stay visa for Uk, which does not allow entry into Spain, he has informed the police in a press release.

The network had two bases, one in Morocco and another divided between Gibraltar and The Line of Conception. From the neighbouring country detainees captured and they planned the journeys of the migrants, who are preparing a complete dossier with false documentation to show to the british authorities and obtaining the visa. Then the organization would buy a plane ticket to the immigrant, provided a reservation of hotel in Gibraltar and we indicated the steps to follow and who to contact, instead of between 7,000 and 8,000 euros to each migrant.

From Gibraltar, the organization helped the immigrant to cross the border clandestinely camouflaged in off-road vehicles with enrollment gibraltar and moons in the rear tinted, where they hid and moved up to The Line of the Conception, always in the hours of darkness to hinder the visibility. The next day arrived in Spain, the network would buy a bus ticket with a destination to another Spanish province or other european country. By the transfer charging between 500 and 700 euros to the people, according to police.

The organization had a large number of collaborators, such as drivers, taxi drivers and staff to manage the travel tickets, so they charged between 100 and 200 euros to migrants. After the investigation, agents have been able to ascertain that the benefit obtained by the organization based in Morocco exceeds one million euros, while the branching of Field of Gibraltar, the obtained estimated profits of 79,800 euros.

The 200 agents mobilized and the police in gibraltar have arrested three members of the organization in Gibraltar and other 44 members in different Spanish provinces.