The appointment of José Luis Escrivá as a minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration has left the Tax Authority without the president. So the number two of the agency, Cristina Smith, has taken this Monday, the reins of the institution in charge of overseeing the public accounts and created at the behest of Brussels. Will occupy the presidency on an interim basis, until the Government designates a new chairman proposed by the Treasury and that should validate the Congress with an absolute majority in the respective committee. Hence, it is necessary that a consensus on a figure with the halo of independent.

Smith is part of the regulatory agency since its foundation and played until now the position of director of the Division of Budget Analysis of the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (Airef).


The Tax Authority looks unlikely that the Government will comply this year with the goal of deficit José Luis Escrivá, the minister arrives with the accounts made

that Is to say, it was the “responsible one of the main functions of the institution as a guarantor of fiscal stability and the sustainability of public finances”, says a statement from the Tax Authority published yesterday.

Now that you are looking for a replacement, you would think that the own Escrivá could be defended, already in the Council of Ministers, continuity in the management of the agency. And, therefore, could apply to Smith as the successor. The institution has earned in a very short time an image of independence, and to keep Smith in office would ensure that the Airef follows a path similar to that marked by Escrivá. Smith is the active State, and accumulate a long career in the Ministry of Finance to analyse the public accounts. In principle, your profile seems ideal.