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not given to the battle dialectical and conscious as it is that the mood in his opponent’s were out of control, Zinedine Zidane tried to avoid the confrontation until it had no choice but to deploy that diplomacy so you that, in reality, always hides very clear ideas. “The move for the first goal I saw, it is a lock and there is a lack. The referee sees it on the monitor and pita missing,” he described with a peace of mind the technician of Madrid. “In the second for him there is the hand, although there are hand, because also I saw [the ball hits in Munir when it’s on the ground]. That is why I do not go never to appreciate all of these things. About what happens on the field are the referees who are there and who decides. Sometimes to please yours and others against”, expanded the French.

you will Be noticed much more comfortable to ZZ at the time of referring to Casemiro, bigoleador in the game (and for the first time in his seven seasons at Madrid), the only white player on the lawn at the sight finely tuned to the goal of Vaclik. “In the end the two goals of Case… is not something usual but I’m happy for him. We know that in the offensive position we can make a difference with any player,” said the frenchman, who stood in front of Kroos and Modric in the final stretch of the match, a move that was tremendously effective. Bespoke, yes, his surprise the frenchman for the vision in the maneuver of the first goal of the brazilian, with the auction stung so precise after receiving the heels of Jovic. “The second goal that marked [head-to-centre Luke] can be more of your style, but the first, which goes second line is a little…”, and left it at that its description before adding probably “surprising”.

“I Want to highlight the work of the whole team,” said own Casemiro. “We’ve had to confront a large opponent that has played very well, and that he has a coach who knows what he plays. There is that to congratulate you because it has been a game of a lot of work,” added the striker, who emphasized how difficult it was for her to your computer to generate superiority in the first half. “We want to have the ball but we can’t do it all game. Although we have shown that we are good and get these three points is the important thing. Last year I also had the opportunity to check, but I prefer the work of all the team”, remachó. With his two goals, the last eight of the Madrid have come from players that are not strikers (Varane, Isco, Modric, Kroos, and Casemiro), and as equals to the German and Croatian with four in the table of scorers.

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