
“It’s a dream to coach Barca”, resolved Quique Setién (Santander; 61 years) in your presentation as a technician. Cruyffista superlative because as a footballer always wondered when I played against the Dream Team why they ran so much after the ball without having it between the feet, Setién decided that if some day he would train would do to play that way. And did so from the beginning. Even in 2011, with the permission of Lugo, left for two weeks to Barcelona so as not to lose detail of the manner of work of Guardiola. “Only I can guarantee that my team will play well,” ditch Setién, who today premieres on the bench at barca and in Camp Nou against Granada (21.00, Movistar League); “the lucidity with the ball must be permanent”.

Racing (2001-2002). “This is the one that made me coach”, he jokes Setién when you have to Javi Guerrero in front. “I went to a great season and the team ascended, so Quique also say that I only had to put the poor to win. This indicates the type of person that is”, says the exdelantero; “but still I thought it best kind when, after going up at First, took a step to the side and facilitated the bench to Precious for him to go back to the offices. Won Me for a lifetime”.

After 12 years with boots on the Racing, Setién took the bench. “There was a time easy because we were down and had veterans that were coming from another stage and that they had a good relationship with the technician earlier… But in a short time got to the locker room in the pocket,” adds Guerrero. Also for the football that they deployed. “We played quite well, orderly, and dynamic. He always said that if we were the case and we gave priority to our game, you’d get them out, results. It is not wrong” closes a Warrior. Last time, discussed with the businessman and then-president Dmitri Piterman and is left.

Poli Ejido (2003-04). After a year off, Setién went to Poli Ejido, in the Second. But lasted just 12 matches. “They were not paying us, and the economic situation was not ideal,” explains the exlateral Carlos Llorens; “but, for some were a few months very good because I was teaching, because I always wanted to be a good deal at the ball, and because all the exercises had the ball in the middle”. The message that he gave a farewell in the dressing room, after it was relieved in the office, he spoke for himself: “Enjoy the football”.


Setién: “I look forward to a Barcelona that is not overexcited” Setién: “Messi gives us and takes from us the titles to the technicians”

Local (2007-2008) . The opportunity of addressing the Local, Segunda B, gave Tato Abbey, with the shared drive path of Burgos because they did together in the course of sporting director. “She was very clear how to play and showed temperance and personality. It was ideal and we got to play for three months sensational” says Abbey, who also recognizes his genius: “Already as a player I missed good fights when you gave a pass wrong… it Has a lot of character. It is more intransigent than Guardiola; more guardiolista that Guardiola”. It happened, however, that after 20 meetings, he was dismissed because he did not accept most defaults.

Lugo (2009-2015). Its impact on the club explains the end Luismi Grace. “The players said to him that it was more important than us, because every minute seven of the matches, the fans we cheered. Something that in the end we did ours, because when you do not know whether to renew, the locker room sang: don Quique stay!”.

Setién found in Lugo the best ecosystem to work, so won the confidence of the board and the fans but also the players. “I don’t renewed, but it was the mister who was with me told. He looked concerned and always goes in front”, says luis miguel, who stays with what he learned: “attacking Football, 80% of the possession in matches and the possibility of enjoying good football in a category as complex as the Second B”. And remember the message kept repeating: “you have the ball, that is what you like, isn’t it?”. 258 matches later, he was gone.

Las Palmas (2015-2017). When you played the last match of the league at home, casually to the club, the fans stayed to applaud him and sing to him. “We won all of them,” recalls Tana; “and to me the first.” More than anything, because it’s the day that Setién arrived at the club, he greeted them all by their names, and to Tana, he blurted out, “what about you, who are you?”. Question that disturbed the player but after he knew how to appreciate, because after a week of workouts went out of holder. “You have clear concepts and know what they are doing. In addition, training was always on top. It seemed that we had a dog mordiéndonos to the side of the intensity that I put. Why, then, jokingly, I got to cane, telling him: ‘hey, What happens, Pep Guardiola!”, recalls Tana. But also remember the urge I had to touch the ball: “He liked to feel good and picarnos because for his age he still had touch”.

Betis (2017-2019). there Were days of glory with the little hand at the Sanchez Pizjuan and triumphs at the Bernabéu and the Camp Nou. But neither the good game, or the average of the 70% of the possession which he accumulated were enough to convince the fans bética, nail technician for their lack of empathy. But Setién was always Setién. “I wanted us to treat the ball as best as possible, always have lines of pass and mobility in the middle. I wanted to and I knew that we would win the second part because the opponent is open for the wear,” says the central Jordi Amat, now in the KAS Eupen, belgium; “we were one of the teams that best we tried at the ball. It was nice to see and it was nice to play.” But it was not a coincidence. “In the preseason there we ran almost any day. They were all passes, possession, matches, shorts… and he And his second [Eder Sarabia] were very on top to put intensity”, slide Amat. And he adds: “it Is very folksy and speaks with all the world. But he is a guy of football, has played at a high level and coached several teams, so that made us notice that there are times in which you should be as serious as possible.” A booklet that now apply in the club.

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