The insistence of Real Madrid in the purchase of young talent before the price of the players will shoot over 100 million leads to a particularly systematic in the fishery, brazilian. There, the hand of Juni Calafat, responsible for international football club, developed in the last years something as well as a vertical tasting, a sip of each, add: signed to Vinicius Jr, born in 2000; to Rodrygo Goes, 2001, and on Monday announced the hiring up to 2026 of Reinier Jesus Carvalho, born in 2002 in Brasilia.

The Madrid pays the Flamengo about 30 million euros, of the order of 15 less than for the previous two promises from brazil, another soccer player who plays as an attacking midfielder, with vision for the last pass and a success goal that has led him to play even as a second striker. In the club brazilian scored six goals in the 14 league games that he played last year in the first team, which debuted in August in the Copa Libertadores. The club whose academy he came with 12 years takes a continental title and one domestic.


The particular classes of Zidane to Vinicius

The environment of Reinier wants to see echoes of Kaka in his attitude (heading, 1.85 m) and way of moving, something that matches the footballer: “I also think that I look like Kaka. Of a child I saw him play in Milan, real Madrid and the selection, and it inspired me. Can we asemejemos in the pass and in the end, but our virtue in common is the start,” he said in an interview in Brazil.

Also among the admirers confessed to Zidane, of whom his father showed him videos so insistent and whose movement has striven to emulate: “If I were a 1% of what he was would already be well,” said the player. Starting in February you will have the occasion to exercise at the orders of the French, although in a first phase, their destination is the locker room of the Castilla Raul, which is expected to play.

That will come after the pre-olympic tournament qualifier for the Tokyo 2020 who is disputing these days with the u-23 team in Colombia, where she arrived as the youngest of the list, with 17 years. He made his debut in she the Sunday, precisely the day that he met 18, the age that left the way open to the formalization of their agreement with Real Madrid, announced the next day.

The agreement with Reinier and with Flamengo, as Vinicius and Rodrygo, has been of slow cooking, with the careful courtship of Calafat before the age of majority. The footballer already photographed at the Bernabeu in march 2018, dressed in a tracksuit of brazilian team. “Amazing experience getting to know one of the biggest temples of world football,” he wrote on Instagram.

however, the closure of the operation, in that they were also interested several of the big european clubs, accelerated in recent months, which has deprived the player of the soft landing that Madrid sought to Rodrygo: sessions tactics video, Spanish lessons. Nor had he had occasion to speak with Vinicius, raised like him in the youth ranks at Flamengo. Among the club’s brazilian selection sub-17 and sub-23, Reinier has barely found time to sit down to study. “But when you arrive you will know to talk about something,” his people.

in Addition to the efforts of Calafat and the white dome, for that Reinier was decided by the Madrid, was a decisive criterion of his father, Mauro Brasilia, former player of football, world champion with Brazil in 1985. Mauro maintains an intense fascination for the Madrid of the galacticos, in particular by his compatriots Ronaldo Nazario and Roberto Carlos, and Zidane, the technician whose orders expected to end up seeing play in white to your child.

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